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photo 2013-10-27 09:52


Warriors of Poseidon Series
Alyssa Day

Book 1- Atlantis Rising ★★★★
Riley Dawson is more than a dedicated Virginia Beach social worker. She's blessed with a mind link that only Atlanteans have been able to access for thousands of years. Being an "empath" may explain her wistful connection to the roiling waves of the ocean, the sanctuary it provides, and the sexual urges that seem to emanate from fathoms below. Conlan, the High Prince of Atlantis, has surfaced on a mission to retrieve Poseidon's stolen trident. Yet something else has possessed Conlan: the intimate emotions-and desires-of a human. Irresistibly drawn to the uncanny beauty, Conlan soon shares more than his mind. But in the midst of a battle to reclaim Poseidon's power, how long can a forbidden love last between two different souls from two different worlds?

Book 2- Atlantis Awakening
Ven's mind is filled with duty. He must serve as Atlantean liaison to the humans in a war waged against the vampires. A sword is his weapon - not diplomacy. But on a mission to recover the Nereid's heart - a ruby of immense power - it will take every ounce of strength he possesses to resist the sexual allure of the beautiful witch chosen to work with him. Erin's heart is filled with vengeance. She lives only for the chance at revenge against those who murdered her family. Now she must partner with a legendary Atlantean warrior whose dark desire threatens to crash through the barriers built around her emotions - and her heart. Caught in the trap of shifting alliances, how long can Ven and Erin resist their awakening passion?

Book 3- Atlantis Unleashed
Lord Justice made the ultimate sacrifice for his brother and paid for it with unimaginable torture. Now he's back, rescued from death, his sanity shaken, and his mission inescapable: to search for the lost start of Artemis. But the beautiful human female whom he has sworn to protect is shadowed by an evil that could destroy them both. The archaeological artifacts of Atlantis speak to Dr. Keely McDermott, sharing visions of life long ago. The ancient revelations have cast her into a world between past and present, between reality and illusion--and, when she meets the fierce Atlantean warrior assigned to guard her, between terror and temptation. As their two worlds collide, so too will danger and desire.

Book 4- Atlantis Unmasked
Alexios survived two years of unspeakable torture at the hands of a vampire goddess. Now he's been ordered to team up with a beautiful warrior and take on the most dangerous mission of his life: to retrieve the Vampire's Bane. Without it, Atlantis can't ascend to the surface and take its rightful place in the world. But when evil threatens, will Alexios be led by duty-or his heart? Grace is part of the rebellion against the vampires and shape-shifters trying to take over her world. She is deadly with her bow, because when she takes aim, she never misses her target. But suddenly she's focused on a damaged Atlantean warrior who sees her as a weapon, not as a woman. When thousands of lives are on the line, will passion overrule, or will her aim be true?

Book 5- Atlantis Redeemed
Doomed by Poseidon millennia ago to live life bereft of feelings, Atlantean warrior Brennan’s curse is shattered when he meets Tiernan - a human with the ancient Gift of Truth Telling. Attraction turns deadly when the woman he could never forget becomes the woman he can never remember. With the fate of Atlantis on the line, will a warrior’s uncontrollable desire destroy the world? Tiernan’s job as an investigative reporter is perfectly suited to her unique ability to see through any falsehood. But when she discovers human scientists conducting hideous experiments on humans and shape-shifters alike, only a wildly sexy Atlantean can help protect her from the those determined to see her fail and die. When the future of the world is at stake, can she overcome death itself so together they can protect mankind?

Book 6- Atlantis Betrayed
What could Christophe, powerful Warrior of Poseidon, have in common with Fiona Campbell, the notorious jewel thief known as the Scarlet Ninja? Answer: The Siren, a legendary Crown Jewel that Fiona has targeted for her next heist. It's said to be worth millions, but to Christophe it's invaluable. For the Siren also happens to be one of the missing jewels from Poseidon's trident. But breaking into the Tower of London is a two-person job, and Christophe and Fiona must team up to commit the crime of the century.

Book 7- Vampire in Atlantis
The most unexpected of all allies to Poseidon's warriors has proven to be the fiercest-Daniel, a vampire and Night Guild mage. But even the strongest alliance can be destroyed when a vampire's oath crosses paths with a maiden's quest, and an eleven-thousand-year-old desire is reborn. Ready to face the dawn and die after 11,000 years as a vampire, Daniel walks into the Reflecting Pool on the Washington Mall and ends up in Atlantis, at the mercy of Serai, a long-dead warrior princess he could never forget. Yet Serai is not dead. Centuries earlier she and several others had been magically put into suspended animation to ensure the continuation of the Atlanteans. But the magical jewel that keeps them safe has been stolen, and, now awake, Serai must find it to save the other sleeping women. Together, Daniel and Serai search for the stone and renew their relationship, stalked by an evil that isn't about to let them succeed.

Book 8- Heart of Atlantis
Alaric, Poseidon’s High Priest, has made a vow to Quinn, the woman he loves and the leader of the Resistance: to save her friend Jack before his last bit of humanity has been drained. Should Alaric succeed, there’s one intimate danger: he may lose Quinn to the love of the man whose life he saved. But damn Atlantis to the nine hells, he’s willing to put Quinn’s wishes first, regardless of the consequences. The final jewel of Poseidon’s trident has turned up in the hands of mysterious Ptolemy Reborn, who claims to be descended from Atlantean royalty. He’s about to reveal to the world that Atlantis is real, positioning himself as king. But this magical terrorist is bent on chaos. The only warrior who can stop him is following his own path, driven by the even more powerful force of love. Atlantean powers over the sea could prove just as cataclysmic—for Quinn’s love, Alaric might drown the entire world.

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review 2013-03-26 00:00
Heart of Atlantis - Alyssa Day 3.75 stars
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review 2012-12-05 00:00
Heart of Atlantis (Warriors of Poseidon Series #8)
Heart of Atlantis - Alyssa Day Fave quote:Alaric forced himself to take a deep breath. “Fine. I will calm down. I will pretend that the entire continent is not about to be destroyed. I will pretend that the sea god is not ignoring us. I will pretend that I can do this on my own, even though the Trident grows more unstable with every second that passes, and I am nearly at the limits of my strength already.”He bared his teeth at Conlan. “Don’t we all feel better already?”
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review 2011-07-09 00:00
Atlantis Rising - Alyssa Day 4.5 stars!!!

View on Under the Covers

Eleven thousand years ago, the sea god Poseidon assigned select warriors to protect humankind before the city of Atlantis was swallowed by the sea. Conlan, the high prince of Atlantis has broken of free of his torment by the evil Anubisa and is in search of the Trident, a relic that many people are after.

Instead, he encounters Riley Dawson, a social worker who seems to be having the day from hell. After her life has been threatened twice in the same night, she finds her saviour, the mysterious man who can control water, very alluring. Throughout the book, Conlan and Riley fight their attraction for one another. But as is the case with all romances, they can’t bare to stay away from each other.

I really enjoyed the characters in this series. In fact, I can’t wait to read about some of the other warriors of Poseidon! Riley was a great heroine. She was strong, smart and witty while also being vulnerable at the same time. I liked her confidence even as she was being thrust into a world she didn’t know existed before. She was a perfect match for Conlan, who seems completely enamoured by his little empath.

Ven and Alaric are the two that I want to read about! I loved Ven’s care-free attitude and his hilarious bantering with the other warriors. And poor Alaric! I am interested to hear what happens next with him and Quinn! Each of the warriors have their own personal curses they must deal with and I am very curious to see how things turn out for each of them. This book was a success in piquing my curiosity.

But it’s the worldbuilding that really caught my attention in this book. Ms. Day crafts such a complex and intriguing world that from just the prologue alone, I could tell how much research went into this novel. It was great to read about her take on the Atlantis tale and the little tweaks here and there where she inserted unexpected creatures. I especially liked the concept of vampires taking over Congress and the shapeshifters ruling the media. Very unique and highly entertaining. I’m sure as the series progresses, we’ll discover more to the wonderful world that Day has created.

I am very excited to read the rest of the books in this series. I’m sure they will be as promising as this first instalment in the Warriors of Poseidon. I’m so ready for Ven!
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review 2011-07-03 00:00
Vampire in Atlantis - Alyssa Day Even though this book contains one of my most hated plot elements (we need to recover a stone to save a bunch of people but let's stop and have sex anyway) I still enjoyed it. I've loved Daniel through the series and I thought he was a great hero here. I ran a little hot and cold on Serai. She could be a bit annoying with her "I'm so powerful - no now I'm weak" back and forth. But her love for Daniel was never in doubt so she won me over in the end. And the ongoing plot in the series continues to keep me interested.
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