I miss David Tennant as the Doctor. Matt Smith was okay, and Peter Capaldi does a serviceable job, but Tennant's still the best to have tackled the role since the series was rebooted. I'm kinda hoping Doctor Who goes away for a while so that they can start fresh again with another reboot, let's say, ten years from now. The writing of the most recent season is crap, and I think Capaldi is fighting an uphill battle. Either hire new writers or take a break. But, that's just my opinion. Back to my review of this particular story.
Feast of the Drowned might have garnered four stars had it not so closely resembled an off-season episode entitled Water of Mars. In fact, I think that's why they left this story line for the literary world because it borrows many ideas from that movie-length episode. Still, my sense of nostalgia kicked in and I enjoyed every minute of Feast of the Drowned. Tennant does a spot on impression of the actor who played Mickey in the television series (sorry, but I've forgotten his name), and that caused this Whovian to chuckle more than once. And who doesn't love Rose Tyler? Having these three (The Doctor, Rose, and Mickey) back together warmed my heart, and I suddenly wanted to hop over to Netflix for a marathon viewing of Ten's seasons. Instead of burning through my ISP's monthly data cap, I decided to download the six or seven audio books David Tennant narrated for the series. I think I'll try Dead Air next but am open for suggestions. If any of you have any recommendations, please drop them in the comment section below, please and thank you.
And what the fig newton does "The doctor pulled a face" mean? That phrase is used twice in this book, but I cannot parse it. It does not compute. The first time it's Mickey who "pulled a face". I though it was an error so I moved on, but then the Doctor "pulled a face" and I was confused again. Is this an English thing? What does it mean? FOR TOM CRUISE'S SAKE, HELP ME!!!
In summation: A familiar story narrated by the ever-entertaining and uber-talented David Tennant. If you're a fan of the tenth Doctor, you can't go wrong with this novella. If the story had been more original, it would have gained an extra star. Recommended for Whovians and fans of creepy water.