I set out with the intent of quoting my favorite passages from this book. By the end I realized there was only one: "
I am America by Stephen Colbert." What, you ask? I'm saying the whole frickin' thing is quotable!
I Am America is hilarious from start to finish. I snorted, I chortled, I laughed so hard I accidentally drooled. This is everything I hoped it would be. I'm glad I finally got around to it.
My only quibble is a minor, half-serious one. I worry about the people out there who actually take this seriously. "Oh that's ridiculous," you say, "no one's stupid enough to take Colbert seriously." Wrong. When I was writing for newspapers back in the day, I would occasionally do satirical pieces. They were thinly veiled as such. I didn't want anyone mistaking my sentiments for my true feelings. And yet, some people did. I was astounded. It was a real reality check for me. There are still people in the world that take everything they hear at face value. I fear these people and I fear for these people. How is it they haven't all already been accidentally run over by buses?