I Am a Pole (And So Can You!) is a picture book from comedian Stephen Colbert (of the Colbert Report), so it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect it to be.
The cover showcases half-compliment, half-insult quotes from the late Maurice Sendak (whose two-part interview with Stephen Colbert can be seen here andhere). The back cover offers snarky advice to those looking to "learn more about poles". The front flap features a list of fictitious upcoming sequels. The back flap features sarcastic biographies of the author, "blurbist" (Sendak), and illustrator and jokes about the possibility of a Pixar film adaptation. It ends with some Colbert-style nationalism.
The thing to remember, of course, is that this is not by any means a children's picture book. In the vein ofGo the Fuck to Sleep and The Taking Tree: A Selfish Parody (among others, this is primarily a humor book--and definitely for adults. Because unless you're intending to have a talk with Junior about what a stripper is... you really don't want to read this to your toddler.
I'd recommend the book as a (very) quick read to fans of the Colbert Report or adult-oriented picture books in general. I'd suggest viewing the above-linked interview(s) with Maurice Sendak first, however, as I feel they add quite a bit of humor to the book; alone, the book gets--from me at least--a smirk or a chuckle. With the interview?