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text 2018-12-30 14:33
24 Festive Tasks - Bon Om Touk Book
Whose Boat Is This Boat?: Comments That Don't Help in the Aftermath of a Hurricane - The Staff of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Book: Read a book that takes place at sea or on a river OR with water on the cover OR where the plot involves a festival or the moon plays a pivotal role in the plot.



While the titular boat isn't in water on the cover, since it has been washed up on the beach, the ocean is in the background of the cover. I'm using it to claim this square.



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review 2016-12-12 00:00
America Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't
America Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't - Stephen Colbert,Tim Meadows,Jordin Ruderman 3.5 stars
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url 2014-06-05 16:09
Stephen Colbert Ripped Amazon Apart Over its Hachette Dispute
Stephen Colbert, an author whose books have been published by Hachette, took Amazon to task last night on his show over its dispute with Amazon. He also managed to make "California" by Edan Lepucki an immediate bestseller and flood the website for Powell's. I don't always agree with Stephen Colbert but I agree and support him with what he did last night.
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review 2014-01-25 00:00
America Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't - Stephen Colbert, Tim Meadows, Jordin Ruderman Sadly, not up to Colbert Report levels of hilarity, at least not in audiobook format.
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2013-08-17 19:27
I Am a Pole (And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert
I am a Pole (And So Can You!) - Stephen Colbert,Aaron Cohen,Paul Hildebrand

I Am a Pole (And So Can You!) is a picture book from comedian Stephen Colbert (of the Colbert Report), so it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect it to be.

The cover showcases half-compliment, half-insult quotes from the late Maurice Sendak (whose two-part interview with Stephen Colbert can be seen here andhere). The back cover offers snarky advice to those looking to "learn more about poles". The front flap features a list of fictitious upcoming sequels. The back flap features sarcastic biographies of the author, "blurbist" (Sendak), and illustrator and jokes about the possibility of a Pixar film adaptation. It ends with some Colbert-style nationalism.

The thing to remember, of course, is that this is not by any means a children's picture book. In the vein ofGo the Fuck to Sleep and The Taking Tree: A Selfish Parody (among others, this is primarily a humor book--and definitely for adults. Because unless you're intending to have a talk with Junior about what a stripper is... you really don't want to read this to your toddler.

I'd recommend the book as a (very) quick read to fans of the Colbert Report or adult-oriented picture books in general. I'd suggest viewing the above-linked interview(s) with Maurice Sendak first, however, as I feel they add quite a bit of humor to the book; alone, the book gets--from me at least--a smirk or a chuckle. With the interview?

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