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review 2015-02-01 22:18
How To Promote and Market Your Book: Publicists Tips & Tricks - Madi Preda

How to Promote and Market Your Book by Madi Preda - Reviews


Jul 29, 2014 Helen Christmas rated it 5 of 5 stars
This is a great guide. The introduction is simple: “Have you ever wondered why some authors make a fortune on their writing while so many others who have written wonderful books seem to struggle?”

My advice is: read the entire book; digest it and study it again, chapter by chapter. If this had been around at the time I self-published my first book, my own story as an author might have a happy ending! Yet, I struggled through various strategies, alone, with little or no advice – and at a time when the only tips came from forums. So yes, there are strategies in this book which I have stumbled across anyway (through networking on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads) for example, some of the suggestions for getting reviews.

But for new authors, maybe not so.

This guide combines excellent PR techniques with strategic marketing: just about everything you need to know from how to write a press release to social media networking, and filled with case studies, which show real examples of the theory being put into practice. The one thing I should warn however, is that following a guide like this requires time, effort and patience. It’s maybe not something you can easily fit around a day job, as I’ve found myself doing, but a concentrated campaign akin to running a new business. So new writers take heed – if you crave success, then this guide is definitely for you!

Jun 25, 2014 Elle Klass rated it 5 of 5 stars
How To Promote and Market Your Book by Madi Preda is a great guide for authors, full of resources and ideas. Less than a year ago I published my first book and had no idea how to market and promote it. In fact I hadn’t considered the entire marketing and promoting piece. Now I think about it daily and spend as much time with it as I do writing. I have learned a lot and have used a lot of the information in this book. These strategies work!

Madi gives tips on writing press releases, how use social media effectively, what not to do, and a host of resources. Just last night while reading I took short breaks to check into several of the resources she mentioned in the book.They are now bookmarked on my Google tab for easy reference. For all authors indie or traditional this book is a godsend. I am so pleased and thankful that she put all this information into an easy to read, understand, and somewhat humorous book. No doubt I will be referencing various chapters and resources as I continue my marketing and promotional campaign.

Thank you Madi Preda for sharing your knowledge!

Jun 22, 2014 Christoph Fischer rated it 5 of 5 stars
“How To Promote and Market Your Book” by Madi Preda is the work of a clearly experienced and expert publicist. Her book covers very basic and general information about the publishing industry and its mechanisms, both traditional and independent branches.
In a well organised and structured way the author explains the basics principles of marketing your book, shares personal experiences and gives interesting case studies.
The book contains a huge amount of useful advice, guidance and lists valuable resources.
As a self-published author I found a lot of truth in this. Preda seemed to be talking right out of my diary and I can confirm many of her statements and advice to be totally correct.
Others I have not got round to experience yet but her book encouraged me to turn my attention to those areas and stop ignoring important areas of modern day PR and marketing.
You always get instant reasons why a marketing tool is important excellent examples how to use it.
This has been an interesting read that covers a lot of ground, sums up what you need to do and gives you the guidance, motivation and the tools to do it.
A valuable source for all writers.

I was given an electronic ARC of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

Jul 12, 2014 Rosie Amber rated it 5 of 5 stars
I’m going to start with a quote “You can write the most wonderful book in the world. But if people don’t know about your book they won’t know to buy it.”~Madi Preda

Madi has written a must-read book. This handbook is crammed full of useful ideas, step-by-step instructions and case studies full of helpful information.

Writing a book is a HUGE dream for most people and achieving that dream is like climbing a mountain. Now it’s easier to write a book and with self-publishing, hitting the button and seeing your book takes minutes. Yet this is only the beginning. Publishing a book, Madi says, is like “Opening a Small Business”, and a writer needs to look at marketing themselves as the product rather than just focusing on the book. Readers follow authors not their books. Just think about some of the great writers and let that statement sink in.

There is a great piece written for this book by book reviewer Lynn Worton which I really appreciated. Madi and Lynn encourage authors to make book reviewers and book bloggers feel special because they are an important part of book sales. This just backs up my recent book review challenge series where I promoted the need for more book reviews.

Even if you haven’t self-published, publishers no longer take your book and do everything else for you while you sit back and write the next, authors are expected to market their own books and there are a whole world of ideas and ways to do this inside this gem of a book. I don’t hesitate to give it 5*’s and it should be a part of any writer’s promotional plans.

Jul 03, 2014 Carmen rated it 5 of 5 stars
I will start my review with the author’s own words: “Writing a book without promoting it is like waving to someone in a dark room. You know what have you done but nobody else does.”
As an author with a released book on the market and two more in the edit stage, I was extremely interested in reading this How to… type of book. It’s the area where many authors shy away–book promotion. I am pleasantly impressed as it’s written in an easy to understand and friendly way, explaining step by step what to do in order to get your book to readers, marketing trends, and how to make them work to develop your brand as an author and improve sales. It’s intended both for writers who have only a little experience in marketing and public relations, but a huge amount determination to succeed, as well as for professional writers..
Tips for Networking and Social Media, Blogging – Tips to attract readers, 30 Book Marketing Tips, Virtual Book Tour are only a few of the steps every author self published or published with a publishing house must take. Many writers fall into the trap where a book is written and assume it’ll reach the masses automatically. As we all know, this isn’t the case Staying aside, doing nothing and waiting people to hear about your “masterpiece” is a huge mistake that will be mirrored in the big Zero in your sales report. After each chapter I found myself really thinking about the concept, and trying to figure out how I could apply it to my situation. I also thought that the advice on Blogging – Tips to attract readers, and How to Generate Sales for a New Released Book and promoting via Pinterest is better than I read elsewhere.
Complete with List of Independent Book Distributors, and Case studies the resources in this book will give you plenty of ideas to carry out and promote your book. Buy, read and apply this book. Don’t miss your best chance to promote your book and yourself. Highly recommended.
My rating Five Stars

Jun 27, 2014 Lorraine Carey rated it 5 of 5 stars
I wish I would have read Madi Preda’s book before I spent 3K for a Promo Specialist! I am going to address the merits of this book from two modes; one from a newbie author and the other from an educator’s point of view.
As a newbie author I find myself literally drowning in all the social media world and especially for an Indie Author. I can’t say enough about this book and what a powerhouse of theory, research and tools are listed here. The book is packed with real links to some of the best sites and resources for all authors. Coming from an educator’s view I can honestly say that this book is very easy to read. The format is very organized and it flowed very well.
How to Promote and Market Your Book is my new ‘GO TO’ manual now for all my writing needs. Thank you Madi Preda for writing this book!

Jul 11, 2014 Russell Whitehead rated it 5 of 5 stars
I picked this up on Smashwords following the recommendation of a friend. As an aspiring author I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding marketing/promoting books sales. I found this book to be helpful in a variety of ways. For instance, the author explains how to develop a marketing plan and includes a case study for a children’s book complete with links to related blogs, groups, magazines etc. She covers all the bases with information and insight from writing a synopsis to organizing pre-order campaigns and advertising. I would recommend this to anyone interested in learning how to market their own books.

Jul 01, 2014 Roy Dimond rated it 5 of 5 stars
I have not only read, but have had the good fortune of Madi Preda applying the very techniques she mentions to my books. I can vouch that she knows what she is talking about. Madi has put her experience into an easily understood format that will IMMEDIATELY help every author. If you want book sales, I highly recommend her book.

Roy Dimond author of The Singing Bowl, The Rubicon Effect, and co author of Saving Our Pennys.


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Source: authorspromotion.wordpress.com/2014/08/18/publicists-tips-how-to-promote-and-market-your-book-by-madi-preda
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