Focus on the best parts the most fun parts of the game, not everything is about items and progress and silver, -such as focus on the thrill of pking, focus on the risk the reward- that feeling of adrenaline- of danger with Albion Online Silver, to be pked or to be the pker- focus on all the shortcuts and know hows and information one would have as an experienced player that can easily rebuild it all with superior strategies- focus on making friend and forming guilds
- if you instead shift your focus to the fun thrilling things of the game, such as guilds, friends, killing people, having fun, making friends, chatting, crafting stuff, and gaining new skills and ways to progress it will be much easier to play without worrying yourself about the wipe, because you shouldnt be so worried because its a great game in and of itself
one last thing -skills gained is like muscle memory- muscle memory basically means- when you have already built a specific muscle such as a six pack or big biceps, even if you stop training for a while, and all the muscles gained shrinks, if you come back to train it again! it will rebuild so so fast, thats muscle memory! much faster then starting from scratch same as this game
do you seriously think, say for example, you progressed so far and just imagine a imaginary ranking system- and you were ranked five in this game, do you seriously think that after the wipe your progress will be lost and start all over and you wont be one of the strongest players??!! of course not... your Albion Online Gold, your knowledge, everything that makes you, and your muscle memory of course, you will get back to the previous position of progress thats probable and its quite easy too, and its a journey in and of itself
so enjoy everything and dont be discouraged about playing the game because of the wipe, but be encouraged by what ive said in this post
The problem is tiering up and getting crushed by guys who are in 6.6. Any new comer looking to come in and get geared up 9/10 will fail unless he has a guidl with likeminded new players being funded by OLDER players that have been here already.
When I initally came here I was thinking, sure I started playing 4months or so late, should be no problem catching up by simply grinding. Boy - was I almost completely wrong in that aspect.
In theory, I could continue to progress if I continued throwing money at the game. Or if I keep having my guild fund new gear. Unfortunately - neither one of those answers is good for me.
At this point in time the game is just not complete. The weapons are bland. The armor is a joke seriously the entire armor mechanic needs to be reworked with albion online silver farming. Love the game, but by the time I finally catch up there will be a wipe so no point in me wasting time on a game playing catch up at this point.