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review 2015-08-15 11:09
A long journey that was over way too soon...The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - Becky Chambers

Adored this one with a fiery passion. Character driven scifi. Loved it. LOVED it. Full review to follow on Tuesday as a blog post. **goes to have a lie down**

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review 2014-12-02 19:22
Teaser Review. The Ice Twins. S K Tremayne
The Ice Twins: A Novel - Peter Tremayne

Publication Date 29th January from Harper Collins.


Source: Publisher review copy. Thank you Hannah.


I am Kirstie


I am Lydia


I am confident and loud.


I am thoughtful and quiet.


I lived. I died.


Or did I?


Prepare to be haunted by The Ice Twins.


Five things you need to know about The Ice Twins. Teaser Review.


1) “Prepare to be haunted by The Ice Twins”  – seeing that, you may be blase. Seen it all before. Heard that more than once. But PAY ATTENTION. If this book does not appear somewhere in some subconcious form or another in my dreams tonight I shall be very surprised.


2) Storytelling genius.  Really can’t tell you anything about it though. It is obvious of course that there are twins involved and one dies and there seems to be some confusion over which one. Apart from that though, I would not give anything away. You need to read it. The pure and haunting prose and beautifully constructed plot will engage and enchant you at the same time as having you feeling vaguely afraid of something you can’t quite capture.


3) Atmosphere. One of the most atmospheric and exquisite novels I have read for some time. And I read a lot. If I had to liken it to anything, it would be The Shining. Not in story form, the two tales are poles apart. But in sense and feeling and the odd sudden reading adrenalin rush, that is the novel I would “twin” it with. Yes I really did do that.


4) Don’t put it in a genre box. I hate boxes for books. But if I must this is not only a top notch, highly readable and terribly addictive psychological thriller it also manages to be a pretty emotional and heart wrenching look at grief and survivor guilt, However it is also many other things. Clever and intuitive writing, let it be what it is.


5) You will worry for the dog. I’m not going to tell you whether or not that worry is justified because I really am that mean.


Highly Recommended. 5 beautiful shiny stars and a puppy for this one.


Pre-Order it here: http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/products/s-+k-+tremayne/the+ice+twins/10492781/


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review 2010-04-12 00:00
Kittens and Puppies: A Real Live Animal... Kittens and Puppies: A Real Live Animal Book (Rand McNally Tip-Top Elf Book #8691) - Peggy Burrows Just as stuffed animals in my youth were not very soft, were stuffed with sawdust, and weren't at all cute, so, too, were the LOLcats of yore too wordy, not funny, and unattractive.

I have read this to the Offspring with pure nostalgic delight because it's so very bad: the coarse, cheap paper, the oddly colored photographs, the light verse you don't even see in greeting cards anymore. Some things do improve with age, but not this book. It's horrible, and I dearly love it.
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review 2010-04-12 00:00
Kittens and Puppies: A Real Live Animal... Kittens and Puppies: A Real Live Animal Book (Rand McNally Tip-Top Elf Book #8691) - Peggy Burrows Just as stuffed animals in my youth were not very soft, were stuffed with sawdust, and weren't at all cute, so, too, were the LOLcats of yore too wordy, not funny, and unattractive.

I have read this to the Offspring with pure nostalgic delight because it's so very bad: the coarse, cheap paper, the oddly colored photographs, the light verse you don't even see in greeting cards anymore. Some things do improve with age, but not this book. It's horrible, and I dearly love it.
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