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review 2019-11-26 12:03
The Beast of Beswick by Amalie Howard
The Beast of Beswick - Amalie Howard

This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

This was such a delightful romance! I had read a couple of favorable reviews for this book so I knew that I wanted to read it and was thrilled to get the chance. I don't read a ton of historical romance but I do tend to enjoy them every once in a while so I was ready to give this Beauty and the Beast story a try. I was swept away by Thane and Astrid's story and didn't want to put the book down for any reason.

Astrid is considered a spinster at twenty-five after a scandal during her first season. Her entire focus on her sister's happiness and wants to make sure that she is able to make a good match. Imagine her surprise when her uncle makes plans for Astrid's sister to marry the man that caused her scandal. The only way that she can have any influence is to find a husband so that he can take over as Isobel's guardian. Astrid knows the right man for the job.

Thane fought in the war and came back scarred. So many scars that people call him a beast, stare, and don't want to be around him. The scars on the outside are only the beginning. His personality is a little rough and he can be rather short with his staff and those around him. When Astrid shows up with her plan, he is less than impressed.

I loved these two! Astrid was incredibly smart and didn't hesitate to make any sacrifices necessary to ensure the well-being of her sister. She didn't think that she was any less capable than any man and resented the fact that she had no rights. Thane liked to act gruff but he really had a soft heart underneath it all. He pushed people away because he didn't want them to have to deal with the scrutiny of being with the beast. I felt like the personalities just fit together and they had fantastic chemistry.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of historical romances. It was such a joy to watch Thane and Astrid fall for each other. There were more than a few moments that I couldn't seem to stop smiling. I definitely plan to read more from Amalie Howard in the future!

I received a review copy of this book from Entangled: Amara via Bookish First.

Initial Thoughts
What a delight! This was somewhere between 4 and 5 stars for me. I am going with 4 for now but may bump that up once I have more time to think about it. I loved Thane and Astrid! Loved them! They were perfect for each other and had a lot of chemistry. Thane's scars on the inside were worse than those on the outside. And the ones on the outside were bad enough to be called a beast. Astrid has been through a few things herself and is careful as a result. I had a lot of fun with this Beauty and the Beast story!

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review 2017-07-24 08:15
Book Review For: My Hellion, My Heart Amalie Howard, Angie Morgan
My Hellion, My Heart (Lords of Essex) (Volume 3) - Amalie Howard,Angie Morgan

'My Hellion, My Heart' by Amalie Howard, Angie Morgan is Book Three in the "Lords of Essex" series. This is the story of Lord Henry Radcliffe and Princess Irina Volkonsky. I have read the other stories (and loved them!) but I feel this can easily be a standalone book.
Irina has been in love with Henry since she was a young girl around the age of 14. But Henry only saw her as a young girl and his mother's ward. Even when she had her coming out he didn't seem to take notice of her. Now she is coming back to London after being away for awhile. Max her best friend has set up a wager on who will win her hand in Marriage. Max did tell Irina of his plan to do the wager and Irina thought it might be a way to bring out Henry to acknowledge her.
Henry has been fighting his past when he was help captive that caused him scars inside and out. Dealing with his inside pain with outside pain via the bedroom and elsewhere. When he first sees Irina again at her coming out he at first doesn't recognizes her and approaches her. When he does recognizes her he tries to brush her off and hurry away. Not wanting her to know the intense desire he felt for her. Now she is back, and his mother is making demands that he move forward and marry. But he can only think of Irina but he doesn't want to hurt her.
Henry did go back and forth with his feelings with treating Irina but overall I understood he was fighting demons inside himself. Irina was a good strong heroine that I enjoyed watching her story play out.
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

Source: www.amazon.com/My-Hellion-Heart-Lords-Essex-ebook/dp/B073NZKNSG/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1500824206&sr=1-1&keywords=My+Hellion%2C+My+Heart+Amalie+Howard%2C+Angie+Morgan
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review 2017-03-27 12:57
My Darling, My Disaster
My Darling, My Disaster (Lords of Essex) - Angie Morgan,Amalie Howard

'My Darling, My Disaster' by Amalie Howard is book Two in the "Lords of Essex" series.  This is the story of Princess Svetlanka Volkonsky aka 'Lana' and Lord Graham Findlay, Viscount Northridge 'Gray'.  This book can be a standalone book but if you have read the first book "My Rogue, My Ruin" then you will see some of the same scene in this book...these book coincide.
 Svetlanka is a Princes and she overheard her Uncle reporting that he would be killing Svetlanka and her sister.  So Svetlanka  and her sister went on the run and now Svetlanka is posing as Lana a Ladies maid to Gray's sister.  Svetlanka has to stay undercover until there is evidence that her Uncle did kill his brother and now means to kill them.   Gray has his own secrets that he doesn't want anyone to know about that has made him swore off women for a while.  But Svetlanka 'Lana' and him are butting heads and Gray knows there is something more to Svetlanka than she is letting on.  
Enjoyed reading this book!  "My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

Source: www.amazon.com/My-Darling-Disaster-Lords-Essex-ebook/dp/B06XG1NPJD/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1490208906&sr=8-1&keywords=My+Darling%2C+My+Disaster
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review 2016-12-06 01:11
Cute Book With Surprising Twists
My Rogue, My Ruin - Amalie Howard,Angie Morgan

When Lady Briannon Findlay and her parents are on their way to an event, they are robbed by the Masked Marauder. After Brainnon is alone with him for a few minutes, her mind is stuck on the mysterious thief. Archer Croft, the Marquess of Hawksfield, hates the ton and his station in life. Because of that, he has become a sort of Robin Hood to try to help the poor. During one of his robberies, he engages in a battle of wits with Lady Briannon Findlay that has him wanting more.

I really loved this book. I loved all of the characters in it. The plot was well written and it did something that doesn’t happen very often: it threw in a few twists I didn’t see coming. I can’t wait to read more from this author. I highly recommend.

**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-08-25 16:37
Book 64/100: Alpha Goddess by Amalie Howard
Alpha Goddess - Amalie Howard
I tried to read this book last year and couldn't get into it. I knew I would struggle with it this year, too, but it was the only book on my shelf that fit a certain reading challenge item, so I soldiered on.

If I were to sum this book up in one word, it would be "sloppy." The sloppy writing is what was off-putting the first time I tried to read it, and it doesn't get better as the story progresses. Part of it is that the prose is just incredibly overwritten -- I would have taken a red pen to so much of it if I were its editor. It's full of redundancies such as, "Everything will be fine," she said reassuringly. And it was littered with enough typos -- maybe a couple every 50 pages or so -- that it could have easily been mistaken for self-published. Luckily, the author did not commit the amateur mistake of "head-hopping" throughout the dual viewpoint narration; the points of view of the two main characters were neatly divided by chapters.

To be fair, part of my dislike of this book may not have been totally fair. It's a retelling, which I like, but it also follows the tropes of paranormal romance, which I do not like. It feels more like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" than the Ramayana, and teenage goddesses battling demons has never really been my cup of tea. I felt like I couldn't really judge whether the plot "worked" as a paranormal romance because the genre does so little for me even when it's written better than this was, but I do know that it felt bogged down with two many characters and different types of deities, the plot seemed to slip-slide from one place to another, and the love triangle did absolutely nothing for me (one of the dudes in the triangle was a total bore, the other more interesting but too much of a "bad boy" to really make a good partner unless he spent years in therapy dealing with his issues, such as, you know, the fact that he [helped demons kill gods in gruesome ways.])

It was a little more gory than I expected, which was also off-putting. I can't really comment on how well it works as a retelling because I know so little about the Hindu mythology on which it is based. The author's father is apparently a Brahman, so she should know her stuff, but a lot of the reviews I've read imply differently. While I like the multi-cultural approach to the genre, Sera's family doesn't really feel Indian -- her mother is at one point described as having a "typical" Indian look, and at another point as having blond hair. O-kay .... I was tempted to give this book to a friend whose father is Indian to get her insight on the Indian elements, but I just couldn't in good conscience foist such a bad book on someone I love. (I gave it to a stranger instead through a book-swapping site).
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