All I can see is two arms,half a head,floating jeans and a thing that I identify as a fart from a unicorn.
All I can see is two arms,half a head,floating jeans and a thing that I identify as a fart from a unicorn.
Why have they done this to me?
Apparently now when we click on a book we wish to read, instead of that nifty box popping up for our convenience we are diverted to a whole knew page.
AHHHH its going to take ages to get back to the place i was.....
So I guess this was okay.
Will I read the second book?
He looks into my eyes, deep, and I know what he wants. A kiss. Even though he knows about Ky. Xander and I are still connected; this is still good-bye. I know alreay that kiss would be sweet. It would be what he would hold on to, as I hold on to Ky's.(spoiler show)
But that's something I don't think I can give.
Why? Dearest Cassia Reyes here made it clear who's she gonna chose and I am not happy with that.
Would I give the second book a chance?
P.S. I don't even like the guy for pete's sake
Why is it always hard for me to get into the story I'm writing even when I know what I want to write? I hate beginnings.