I fell in love with this, it's so beautiful, so perfect. It is difficult to me to find stories like this one, so well thought and so well written.
In it we have this two boys, men, completely different, in every way you can imagine. And yet, that is going to be what brings them together in more than one way.
From hate to understanding, acceptance, friendship and finally love, our two protagonists find in each other what they were missing for a long, long time.
Both Laurie and Ed will find out that even when their life has not been the best and they have lost what was more important to them, together and in the other their life will be complete once again.
They will lean that standing by each other and helping eachother they will also learn to stand by and for themselves, realising that life just happens and sometimes, bad things are not our fault, that we have to learn to forgive ourselves and accept that some things are simply out of our hands.
I really enjoyed this book, I liked the interaction the characters had, with each other, themselves and other characters. How, before anything happens between them they develop their relation, becoming accustomed around the other and realizing there they are more alike than they first thought. The plot is concise and the story doesn't let you hanging, it flows naturally from beginning to end.
If you like romande, fluff, angst, dance and feelings you certainly need to read it.