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text 2022-12-30 10:33
Reasons to Consider Home or Business Asbestos Removal

Asbestos is a hazardous substance that can cause serious health problems when inhaled or ingested, such as cancer and other respiratory issues. If your home or business contains asbestos, it’s essential to consider Local Asbestos Removal in Geelong safely before living in the space. Not only does this safeguard you from potential health risks but it also helps protect anyone else who may come into contact with the area. 

In this blog post we'll discuss some of those reasons along with what approaches may be necessary for proper disposal of asbestos-containing materials.

Dangers of Unmanaged Asbestos

The danger of asbestos lies in the fact that when disturbed, its tiny fibres become airborne and can be ingested by humans. Once inside the body, these fibres can cause damage to the lungs and other organs which can lead to serious illnesses like mesothelioma or lung cancer. Even if you are not directly exposed to asbestos, it can travel through the air and enter your home or business if it is not properly managed. This makes managing any asbestos present on your property essential for both safety and peace of mind. 

Signs That You Need Asbestos Removal Services

  • If you suspect that your home may have asbestos present, there are certain signs that you should look out for that indicate you need professional removal services. 
  • These include crumbling drywall or plaster, cracks in ceilings or walls, damaged floor tiles, broken pipes or ductwork, or any material containing vermiculite insulation. 
  • If any of these signs are present in your home or business, then it’s important to get them removed as soon as possible before the risk increases further. 
  • It’s best to contact a licensed professional for asbestos removal Geelong safely and effective job because removing asbestos requires specialized tools and protective gear to keep everyone involved safe.

asbestos removal geelong

Perks of Asbestos Removal

  • Safety First 

Asbestos fibres can be dangerous if disturbed or inhaled. It’s important to note that not all asbestos materials are unsafe—in fact, some are still considered safe if kept intact—but even with this knowledge, it’s best to err on the side of caution and hire a professional team to remove any potential sources of exposure. Professional teams are experienced and trained in proper handling techniques so they will be able to safely remove any asbestos materials they find without putting anyone else at risk. 

  • Peace of Mind 

Removing asbestos from your home or business is no small task—it requires specialized tools and equipment that are often too expensive for the average person to purchase on their own. Hiring a professional service gives you peace of mind knowing that the job is being done correctly by people who know what they’re doing. 

A professional team will be able to identify any potential sources of contamination and recommend the best course of action for removal. This way, you won’t have to worry about exposing yourself or others to dangerous fibres during the removal process.

  • Cost Savings 

Hiring a professional team can actually save you money in the long run because it eliminates the need for costly repair work down the line. Removing asbestos from your home or business costs more upfront but it’s worth it when you consider how much money you could save in medical bills if someone were exposed later on down the road due to improperly handled contamination. 

A professional asbestos removal Geelong team will also provide you with an official certificate stating that your property has been properly inspected and cleared of any hazardous materials so you can rest easy knowing that everyone is safe from potential harm.

Source From - Reasons to Consider Home or Business Asbestos Removal

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text 2022-12-20 05:26
Is Opt Asbestos Removal Best Way to Improve the Overall Living Environment?

 Asbestos is a natural mineral that has been used in many home construction materials, including insulation and ceiling tiles. While it can be safe when properly handled, the material can become hazardous if it's disturbed or damaged in some way. If you have asbestos on your property and aren't sure how to remove it safely, we hope this guide will help! We'll go over why hiring professionals for asbestos removal Ballarat is important, what type of service you should look for in an asbestos removal company and more!

Improves Health

Asbestos is a dangerous substance that can cause serious health problems such as lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. 

Asbestos removal is a safe and effective way to improve the health of your family by reducing their risk of exposure to this dangerous substance.

Makes Your Property Environmentally Friendly

You may have heard that asbestos removal Ballarat is an environmentally friendly process. This is because it is done in a way that doesn't cause pollution or harm the environment. It also doesn't harm humans, which means it's a safe option for those who live near your property.

Asbestos removal can help to improve people's health and living conditions by making sure that their homes are safe and free from asbestos contamination, which is why it's so important to choose an experienced and reliable contractor for this job.


asbestos removal Ballarat


Protects Your Property from Outside Elements

One of the biggest benefits of asbestos removal is that it can help improve the overall value of your property. Asbestos removal has become a legal requirement, and this process is carried out by trained professionals to ensure that you are safe while they remove any asbestos present in your house or business. 

Although some people may be wary about paying for this service, it's important to note that there are many different benefits associated with it.

When choosing an asbestos removal company, make sure that they have an established reputation for being reliable and trustworthy. It's also important to remember that these companies have years of experience working on various projects like this one, so they know exactly what steps need taking before starting work on yours!

Increases the Value of Your Home

Removing asbestos can increase the value of your home. If you are planning to sell your house, it is important to remove any traces of asbestos from the building because this will greatly increase its value. 

The cost of removing asbestos is quite high and therefore, not many people have the budget for it. Therefore, if you plan on staying in your current home for a long time then it is advisable that you hire asbestos removal ballarat expert who can help get rid of any traces of this harmful substance from your property.


Asbestos is a dangerous substance that can cause serious health problems if left untreated or forgotten about. With the proper removal of asbestos, you can reduce the risks of exposure to this dangerous substance and improve the overall living environment for everyone.

Source From - Is Opt Asbestos Removal Best Way to Improve the Overall Living Environment?

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text 2022-12-15 08:02
How Experts Bring Value During Asbestos Inspection?

 Asbestos inspection Melbourne has been a concern for many people and it is one of the most important tasks to ensure that there is no damage caused by asbestos. 

Asbestos can cause serious health issues, so you need to make sure that your home or building does not contain any of this harmful substance.

They Provide Proper Information

It is essential that you have the right information about asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in construction materials since the late 1800s. It is also known as friable (i.e., easily crumbled or reduced to powder) when disturbed or broken, which can cause serious health risks if inhaled.

Some of the signs of asbestos are:

  • Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) such as ceiling tiles, floor tiles, flooring materials and wallboard may be present in your home if it was built before 1980;
  • The presence of ACMs can be determined by looking for telltale “fingerprints” like blue or purple stains on surfaces;
  • If you see any signs of blackened insulation around electrical outlets, this could be another indication there might be ACM nearby; and
  • If you suspect that there may be asbestos in your home, contact an experienced professional who specializes in dealing with these kinds of issues – like an asbestos inspector – for help identifying whether or not there actually is any dangerous material present inside your walls!

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in construction materials. It is also known as friable (i.e., easily crumbled or reduced to powder) when disturbed or broken, which can cause serious health risks if inhaled. 

Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) such as ceiling tiles, floor tiles, flooring materials and wallboard may be present in your home if it was built before 1980; The presence of ACMs can be determined by looking for telltale “fingerprints” like blue or purple stains on surfaces; If you see any signs of blackened insulation around electrical outlets, this could be another indication there might be ACM nearby

They Provide Test Results

Asbestos inspectors should provide test results to homeowners in writing as soon as possible. The written report should include the date of the test, the name of the test and a clear, easy-to-understand explanation of the results. 

If there is any confusion about what those results mean, ask your inspector to explain them again. This information will help you make an informed decision about how to proceed with your asbestos abatement project.

If you are hiring a contractor to perform the asbestos abatement, they should provide you with a contract that clearly outlines all of the work they will do and how much it will cost. This contract should also include a timeline for completing the project, so there is no confusion about when your home will be ready to move back into.

It is also a good idea to hire an independent professional to check over the work that has been done. This person can ensure that all of the asbestos has been removed, and they may be able to point out any areas where your contractor missed something.

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to hire a contractor for asbestos abatement. A professional can help you determine if asbestos is present in your home and how much work needs to be done. They will also provide written reports on the results of any tests they perform and can assist with cleanup if needed.


asbestos inspection melbourne


They Prepare Correct Reports

The report is one of the most important aspects of asbestos testing. This is because it provides you with all the information you need about the test and what you should do moving forward. Asbestos experts create reports that are clear, concise and easy to understand. 

They also provide them in a timely manner so that there's no delay in your decision-making process. When it comes to explaining the results of their tests, they do not overload their reports with too much technical jargon or complicated graphs which can be confusing for some people who lack knowledge on this subject matter.

Asbestos inspection Melbourne offer professional advice on how to proceed when performing inspection tasks such as handling asbestos materials safely and disposing them according to regulations set by local authorities

. When it comes to dealing with asbestos-related issues, it's important that you know who you can trust. You need someone who is knowledgeable about this subject matter and has years of experience in the field.

Asbestos experts are the best people to consult if you are unsure about what course of action to take. They can help you understand the results of their tests, explain how they were performed and give advice on how to proceed with your asbestos remediation project.

When you're looking for an asbestos removal company, it's important that you know what to look for. Some of the things that you should consider include:

 -Experience in this field

 -A team of qualified professionals who are knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with asbestos-related issues 

-How quickly they respond to your needs

-How they communicate with you and keep you informed of their progress 

They Show Visual Areas of Concern

  • They show visual areas of concern
  • They are able to show the areas that need to be tested
  • They can show you the areas that need to be removed
  • They can show you where asbestos is found and where it isn't

They Allow You To Make Informed Decisions

When you are buying a property, it is important that you make informed decisions. In order for you to make informed decisions, it is important for the right information to be available in a timely manner and in a clear and concise format. The right information can only be provided by an expert who knows what they are doing.

It is important to remember that real estate transactions can be complicated and stressful. The best way to avoid complications and stress is by having the right information available when you need it.

The right information will be able to help you make informed decisions about your real estate transactions. The right information can only be provided by an expert who knows what they are doing. If you need information on anything related to real estate transactions, it is important that you contact a professional.


We hope this article has helped you understand the value of asbestos inspection Melbourne. The main takeaway is that it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to asbestos exposure and removal.

Source From - How Experts Bring Value During Asbestos Inspection?

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text 2019-11-28 12:28
Asbestos Inspection Melbourne: Do it for your family health

The market offers various types of asbestos and is used in industrial and residential buildings for a variety of construction purposes. The main type of asbestos is the serpentine segment which contains the Chrysotile. These mainly used fire exits and adhesives are to be found in the construction. It is also used in plaster and surface layers and is included in vinyl tiles.

That is why in some countries asbestos has been banned. However, there are several buildings containing asbestos, so regular asbestos surveys must be carried out to ensure that they are still working within the safe area. Asbestos Inspection Melbourne aims to reduce the number of people with chronic illnesses as they are irreversible.


How Detrimental to our Health is Asbestos?

More than four thousand people die of asbestos every year. This is why most of today's buildings have a regular evaluation of asbestos. If you inhale the asbestos fibers, you are vulnerable to various infections and illnesses due to the inhalation of asbestos. High doses of asbestos exposure can reason for diseases associated with asbestos. However, after years of exposure to the said construction material, the Symptoms are not seen immediately but only come out.

Asbestos is trapped in the lungs when inhaled and stays for a long time. The fibers will accumulate as the year's pass, leading eventually to scarring and inflammation of the tissues, which impair breathing and eventually to serious health problems.

Asbestos in the lungs has a dangerous effect. Health Department finds it a human disease-a cancer-provoking product. Therefore, regular Asbestos Inspection Melbourne is important for good health.

  • Asbestos Is Widely Present

One of the main reasons why the elimination of asbestos is so critical is that this toxic substance is commonly found in homes and buildings across the world. Recent studies show that up to 30 million commercial and residential buildings contain considerable amounts of asbestos. It is crucial to plan removal services immediately if your property is contaminated with asbestos.

  • Asbestos Harms Your Health

The fact that asbestos fibers are particularly harmful to your health is another important reason for your home inspected for asbestos. A variety of potentially fatal health conditions, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer, have been associated with prolonged exposure to asbestos. You will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you and your loved ones are safe from the risk of asbestos contamination by getting asbestos removed by a highly rated contractor in your area.

We tend to ignore the wear and tear of our ceilings, walls, floors and much more. They may contain asbestos which can wear and tear our lungs. The small asbestos particles float in the air and can lead to severe lung diseases once these have been inhaled.

The quality of asbestos and its durability can be tested by a certified asbestos specialist for your building. Many people are unaware of working in the midst of asbestos. Checking with your employers is best and knowing for sure that you are employed in safe surroundings.

Contact us to get the Assess Control Assure. We are the expert service provider in your area.

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text 2019-10-09 07:41
Asbestos Inspection Australia the First Step to Proper Asbestos Control and Management


Asbestos is well camouflaged and hidden. Yet it is a clear and present danger. For those who may wonder how such an innocuous-looking substance can be considered as dangerous one has only to look at what has happened to those who have ingested asbestos fibers through their respiratory systems. Lung cancer and asbestosis are the consequences. In most cases, there is no reprieve for lung cancer that asbestos causes. Asbestos was the material of choice for insulation and for construction materials before its risks came to light and it was banned in 2003. Older properties are likely to have asbestos in small or significant amounts and, even if it is compounded asbestos, deterioration due to age makes it a threat difficult to ignore. Should you own (or even rent) such property, it is in your interest to opt for Asbestos Inspection Australia by accredited inspection agencies.



What happens during the asbestos inspection

Look at your property. You have a roof, floor, walls with plaster, heaters with insulation and other structures. Older structures are likely to have loose asbestos as insulation material for heaters and for acoustic insulation. Walls, floors, and partitions may have compounded sheets. Even the roof may be of asbestos. Then there are rainwater drainpipes and gutters that may be made of asbestos. Some materials containing asbestos are easy to identify. Then there are others that you may not suspect. Asbestos inspection Australia certified professionals are thoroughly conversant and knowledgeable. They know what to look for and where to look. Preliminary visual inspection is the first step. The expert on-site then marks all such materials. The findings are recorded. Samples collected undergo tests. The on-site test reveals the condition of asbestos compounded materials. If such material crumbles or looks flaky then it is identified as potentially risky. If this is present in the interiors then an air quality check may be necessary to detect the presence of asbestos fibers. All such findings go into a report. Persons conducting business will then need to take steps to contain asbestos or remove it. If asbestos is retained then an asbestos management plan must be drawn up and records maintain according to Australian regulations.


Do you need an asbestos inspection?

If you own residential or commercial property built after 2003 then you have nothing to worry about. Owners or occupiers of properties built before 2003 should go in for asbestos inspection Australia. This has benefits.


One is that such inspection can reveal the presence of asbestos, location and state. You can then take action to control asbestos with coatings or other measures to nullify the threat of loose asbestos fibers mixing with air, water, and soil.


Apart from identifying asbestos inaccessible and inaccessible areas the inspection also addresses other hazardous materials such as lead-based paints, biphenyl group chemicals, and biological hazards.


If you plan to renovate the property, demolish it or purchase property then it is important to get an inspection carried out for peace of mind, for safety and to ensure compliance with laws. Call in Assess Control Assure for asbestos inspection and stay safe.


Assess Control Assure offers asbestos inspection Australia services followed by an assessment of risk, containment guidance and also removal services.

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