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Search tags: author-in-desperate-need-of-editor
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text 2013-10-18 15:25
Day 8 * 30 Day Book Challenge * Most overrated book
Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L. James
Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
The Gamble - Kristen Ashley

 I actually have a few of these and could probably come up with more. First of all I do not think these are especially well written. One of these authors in particular is in desperate need of an editor.  But the thing that bothers me the most, is the type of men in these books portray. Its the whole caveman/tarzan mentality. The only good thing about these very overrated books, is that it brought a huge amount of people ( Ok, mostly women) back to reading. Always a good thing. I think if these people who read one book a year, suddenly start glomming up books because of these, they will begin to realize that these books just aren't that special.

 Teresa Medeiros stated very well how I feel about this type of "hero" on her website:


Welcome to the personal blog of New York Times bestselling author Teresa Medeiros

Friday, May 10, 2013

Dear Young Women and Teenage Girls of the World: I have NOTHING against 50 SHADES OF GREY or Christian Grey. The book is fiction and Christian is a fantasy. But in REAL LIFE, if a boy or man every tries to 1) separate you from your friends and family 2) tell you what to wear/drive/eat and how many times you should work out a week 3) confess that his fondest desire is to "hurt you", then you should not walk calmly toward the exit. YOU SHOULD RUN SCREAMING FOR THE EXIT!!! Because in real life, you're far more likely to end up with A then B. Never be with a boy or man who makes you feel like less than yourself.
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review 2012-06-17 00:00
The Gamble (Colorado Mountain, #1) - Kristen Ashley

Wow... I don't even know what to say about this book. So many of my GR friends loved it, and I expected I would too. I can't say I hated it, or even that I was bored, there were just too many problems with this book to enjoy it.
First and a major turn off was the editing. I am in no way a literary snob.. NO WAY! I also love the whole idea of self publishing. But PLEASE someone point this author to an editor, hell, I will give her the name of my 7th grade English teacher. First off, did we really need to see the word fuck 364 times? blech.. I read a lot, and until this book, I don't think I have ever seen parenthesis used in a book. I'm sure there must have been instances, but in this book it was over the top and unnecessary. That topped with the run on sentences, incomplete sentences, the fact that the H, Max's lines were missing words as if he was a total illiterate hillbilly, yet he had a college scholarship and was built up that he was intelligent. The constant use of "then" was annoying. Then I did this.. then I did that ..then we .. all in one paragraph. Also the h, constantly saying, "Max-" or "Max!" or just "Max." They guy never let her finish her sentences.
I also liked the story itself, and finished it just to find out who killed Curtis. But there were too many contrived parts, too many things going on that were befuddling, too many things that just didn't serve a purpose or did not finish out. Such as her father and fiance'. what was the purpose of them showing up? What was the reason they offered Max huge amounts of money? I understand why the father did, but why did Niles? I am going to end this rant now or I will go on forever and possibly spoil it for others who will most likely enjoy this book. If I find out this authors other works are better edited, I may read them as she is quite a story teller. Just not enough of one to make it worth my time.



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