Driving rules in Georgia are strict, driving without liability coverage comes under a misdemeanor. There are severe penalties if you are found to be repeating the same offense. You may be fined and even face jail time.
According to stats provided by the center for disease control and prevention, each year more than 32,000 people are killed and 2 million are injured from motor vehicle crashes. Roadside accidents are the third biggest cause of death in the U.S. These stats are enough to make anyone understand the importance of auto insurance in Norcross.
What is car insurance?
Car insurance is a legal requirement. It covers your expenses in the event of a motor accident, caused by you or someone else. Car insurance covers vehicle damage, cost of injuries to other drivers, passengers or pedestrians caused by you vice versa. Almost all states require you to have at least minimum liability insurance.
What car insurance covers?
There are two main functions of auto insurance in Norcross.
- Financial protection (Liability Coverage):
If you were found to be guilty of causing damage to another vehicle and other people (fatality or injuries) you would have to compensate for the financial and emotional loss of the affected party. You can’t pay that much amount out of your pocket, this is where auto insurance comes in. Your Liability coverage will pay for the property damages and medical expensed for the grieved party.
- Damage protection (comprehensive coverage):
This is also part of auto insurance but it covers the financial losses for your vehicle and pays for your medical expenses as a result of an automobile accident.
What car insurance doesn’t cover?
- Regular maintenance: It is important to note that car insurance covers the repairing and fixing costs of a vehicle only when they are a result of a collision or accident or any other incident (rain, flood, earthquake, etc. depending on your coverage). Regular maintenance is not covered by auto insurance and
- Mechanical repairs: any mechanical issues that arise due to your own neglect are not covered by auto insurance.
Selecting a good policy that covers liability as well as comprehensive coverage is important because statistically speaking you are going to encounter at least one accident in your life and you should be prepared for it. Because if you don’t have auto insurance this one accident can turn your life upside down (financially speaking).
If you’re looking for a good policy that comes under your budget and provides good coverage, Tramites Express Insurance can help you with it. They will guide you about all the best possible options and then help you choose the perfect policy.