Title: A Year Without A Purchase
Author: Scott Dannemiller
Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"A Year Without A Purchase: One Family's Quest to Stop Shopping and Start Connecting" by Scott Dannemiller
What I enjoyed from this read.....
I found this novel very interesting...something to really think on long after the read. There were several ideas presented that did give me reasons to think upon from this author. With all of the consumerism that goes on just in the United States one will be able to look on quite a bit of it as something to definitely be concerned about. It was a interesting read of how this author shared his feeling 'surrounding the sacrifices made by he and his wife to connect more with others about what was essential to living.' Now, that was a read! I found Mr. Dannemiller was some what humorous as he delivered some of his experiences with the reader. I will say by the time I reach the end of the novel I did find myself saying..do I really need some of the items I have? So, maybe after reading this book... I was now seeing this read in a different light...exploring the relationship that I have with all of my stuff...saying...is this stuff really making me happy or preventing me from achieving my ultimate goal?
Along with the humor the reader will receive 'Biblical passages, personal anecdotes, research, tools for individuals/couples/families to evaluate their own relationship to their material things.'
In the end this read of these short chapters...will gives the reader a great challenge and that is knowing what is important to you ...evaluation your wants/needs. Which is important? Learning to make everyday count and not worry about all that stuff you want but may not need was one thing I got out of this read. I thought this novel was a very important that can help anyone who wants change in their spending and consuming in their everyday life. This was definitely a inspiriting read.
Would I recommend? YES!
I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.