Because Spring is almost here, it's time for making hot-sauce...Love spicy food. Hotter the better. Subtlety works too. It depends on what you're cooking. I make soups nobody I know will eat they're that ferocious (with the exception of my friend João Claudio who's also an aficionado of "hot" food; he's even thinking of founding a hot-chile fraternity...before I start receiving hate email, "chile" is the country and the spice. Chili is the dish...lol). Homemade and fermented chile just gives that huge extra dimension to a meal. I believe it's the rush that comes from eating hot chile hot-sauce with my food that is so pleasurable. It enhances food and definitely makes it more interesting and more connected to what I'm eating.
If you're into all things Mediterranean, especially Chiles,
read on.