BMF season 2 episode 2 has already been made available. The exciting updates, the anticipated release date, and the time will all be covered in this post.
BMF season 2 episode 2 has already been made available. The exciting updates, the anticipated release date, and the time will all be covered in this post.
39 books in January. I'm a little bit behind on my 500 book reading goal, though.
Favorite books? Robot Pony, World After, Miller's Robocop, Backup, Dating After Dark, The Day the Robots Woke Up, and Bot! Combo Pack.
Disappointments? Transformers Retribution, Serial Killer's Guide, and, yeah, the Robocop novelization.
Overall, though, pretty good month. I'm only like ten books behind, and I had a lot of fun reading a majority of the books.
By the way, is this something you guys are interested in? I don't wanna bug y'all, but if you like the monthly wrap up, let me know. I'll continue! (I saw one or two other people do this, and figured I'd put my own spin on my wrap up, just doing the count/highlights/letdowns.)