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text 2016-11-03 15:00
Cover Crush: Blackthorn & Grim trilogy by Juliet Marillier

Cover Crush is a feature originally thought up by Erin at Flashlight Commentary.  Every Thursday, she publishes a post featuring a book jacket/book cover that she really likes with a short commentary about it.  I discovered this weekly feature via It's a Mad Mad World  and decided to join in the fun!

Judge a book by it's cover?  Absolutely!




Blackthorn & Grim is a young adult high fantasy series written by Juliet Marillier.  She is one of my favorite high fantasy authors even though I've yet to read all of her work.  Mainly, her writing is beautiful and magical.

Den of Wolves, the last book in this trilogy, was published and made available this week, and so I thought, what better way to celebrate than squee about how pretty the covers for all three books are.  Fantasy novels tend to have a lot of really good cover illustrations, and the Blackthorn & Grim trilogy is no different.  And while I've always liked most of the covers for Juliet Marillier books, I can't say that any have ever actually stood out as much to me.

But the three of these covers, from the illustration to the type setting, it's all just so pretty that I can't stop looking at them.  Specifically Den of Wolves--it was the one that drew my attention the fastest, more than likely because of the bold red background.

The last time I started a Juliet Marillier fantasy trilogy, I breezed through one book after another and had the entire series finished in no time.  So this time, I decided that I would patiently wait out the publication of the last book before even trying to get a hold of the first.

I feel I've become quite impatient in my old age to wait around to finish an ongoing story, and this whole trilogy thing that's been going on is a bit frustrating sometimes.


Source: anicheungbookabyss.blogspot.com/2016/11/cover-crush-blackthorn-grim-trilogy-by.html
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text 2016-10-25 15:10
Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Related Freebie!


Top Ten Tuesday is an original and weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.


~~ Ten Favorite Books I Read for ~~

~~ Halloween Bingo 2016 ~~



This week for Top Ten Tuesday, the topic is a freebie--a Halloween Related Freebie.  And so for this topic, I decided to make use of the Halloween Bingo I'm participating in through Booklikes.  It's been so much fun, and as the end of Halloween Bingo 2016 draws near, of course I have some favorites I'd like to shout about.

In no particular order:  (titles link to my reviews)


I really only had eight favorites of everything I've read for Halloween Bingo.  And to be honest, there weren't a lot of books I didn't like, save for maybe one.  All the other books read were mediocre to "I liked it, but didn't love it."

The two books at the very top, The Graveyard Book and A Curious Beginning, were my ultimate favorites!

There are four more books I have yet to read for Halloween Bingo, and I can't really say for sure whether I'd love them or not.



Source: anicheungbookabyss.blogspot.com/2016/10/top-ten-tuesday-halloween-related.html
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text 2016-05-22 17:12
Getting on the "Ten Bookish Questions" bandwagon


Check out Bookloving Writer's original post with the questions.


1. What book is on your nightstand now?

There are 62 books on the trunk I call my nightstand. A bunch of them are manga volumes (One Punch Man, Inu x Boku SS, The Day of Revolution, A Bride's Story, etc.), a few are Japanese novels in translation (the first couple Moribito volumes, Spice & Wolf, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc.), and the rest are miscellaneous other books I hope to either get to sometime in the coming weeks/months or transfer to currently nonexistent space on my bookshelves.

2. What was the last truly great book that you read?


The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison. It got one of my rare 5-star ratings, and I loved it so much that the audiobook is my current work-time listening.

 3. If you could meet any writer – dead or alive – who would it be? And what would you want to know?


Hmm. Honestly, in most cases I think I'm better off not meeting writers of works I love/admire beyond brief encounters at signings. If I had to pick someone, though, maybe Terry Pratchett (sad sniffle). I don't know that I'd want to know anything, necessarily, but hearing him talk about his books and characters would probably be fun.

4. What books might we be surprised to find on your shelves?


I don't know that any of it would be that much of a surprise, but maybe the non-library-related nonfiction (Epigenetics in the Age of Twitter by Gerald Weissmann), a few Christian romance novels (Tiffany Girl by Deanne Gist), and several yaoi manga volumes of varying degrees of explicitness (some are actually pretty sweet, but one is so awful that my mind blanked out the particulars).

5. How do you organize your personal library?


“Do these books fit in this space?” That's pretty much it. I did go through my entire physical collection and catalog it in LibraryThing, with tags indicating where they could be found. Nothing very specific, but it's helpful to know that a particular book is somewhere in the bookcase in my bedroom rather than in one of the bookcases in my living room.

As far as e-books go, I tag them according to whether they're freebies or purchases, and that's it. If I'm not sure what to read, I prioritize purchases over freebies.

6. What book have you always meant to read and haven’t gotten around to yet? Anything you feel embarrassed never to have read?


I don't know that there's a specific book – at least half of the books I own are books I've been meaning to read for years and haven't gotten to yet. When I was putting together my Booklikes list of SFF written by women, I was a little appalled at how many of those authors I'd never read and in some cases had never even heard of, so there's that too.

7. Disappointing, overrated, just not good: what book did you feel you were supposed to like but didn’t? Do you remember the last book you put down without finishing?


I felt that The Hunger Games was overrated – not bad, but not something I could work up much enthusiasm for. I tried the next book in the trilogy and lost interest after the first few pages.


A more recent one would be Emily Skrutskie's The Abyss Surrounds Us. Almost everyone but me seems to love that book.

8. What kinds of stories are you drawn to? Any you stay clear of?


I'm drawn to books with main/prominent characters who are non-evil artificial intelligences. I also have a weakness for good-looking cover art (totally subjective, I know), even though that has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the story.

I steer clear of lots of things: books dealing primarily with terminal illness, books I know will be sad (tragic endings happen, but I usually don't seek them out), New Adult fiction (even if it's by an author I like), books advertised as being in any way life-changing or uplifting (I balk at advertising or descriptions that tell me how a book will make me feel), and much more.

9. If you could require the president to read one book, what would it be?

I don't want to require anyone, even the president (in my case, of the United States), to read any one book. Instead, I'd love a president who, when asked to name their favorite book, said something like “I have too many favorites to name just one, so I'll list the last few books I read that I thought were really good.” And instead of being something that looked like a List of Approved Books for Politicians to Say They Enjoyed, that list looked something like scrolling through my Booklikes Dashboard – nonfiction, cozy mysteries, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, you name it.

10. What do you plan to read next?


Ugh, I'm not sure. I just finished C.J. Cherryh's Foreigner and don't have the next book on hand, so I'm still debating what to start next. In the meantime, I'm continuing to read one of Fuyumi Ono's books and a few volumes of manga.


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