Tink's a Disney whore! What the hell did I just read? If you like reading stories about despicable characters doing despicable things all rolled up in a mystery suspense then open wide and take a bite out of this triple decker fuckery sandwich. This book was inspired by the Natalie Holloway and Amanda Knox cases, which I didn't follow, and after reading this book, made me glad I didn't.

This was one messed up story about some messed characters, but it was absolutely riveting in the delving deep into the character of the main character(s), their friendships, and a murder trial. The writing of this mystery was very well done. The author was incredibly calculated in her portrayal and timely revealings of certain events that leave you coming to the correct conclusion a few times, but ultimately incorrect. Whether you like it or not when the truth is revealed, this is one of those books that will keep you thinking even if you were as disgusted about it as me.
Oh, I hate yet love when an author can make me feel like this 2 days after finishing the book. I still feel the need for brain bleach though. I need some lighthearted funnies too.