You might have got tired of replacing the spark plug on dirt bike in almost every ride of yours. Also, there are many variables for the equation. There is incorrect jetting can be one of the main causes for plug fouling. But there is still solution for fixing out the causes for plug fouling even prior to spending lot of cash on spark plugs.
Very first thing that is needed to be done is checking the air filter. In case, it is really very dirty and making it very difficult for the air to pass via engine and lead to a rick condition. There is need to either clean the same with air filter cleaner spray or buying a new filter. Prior putting it further in air-box, there is need to treat with the help of air filter oil or spray. You just need to be careful regarding fact that adding too much oil can also lead to clogging of filter and may also result in another fouled plug. Thus, before you buy spark plugs, there is need to consider these things.
The gas/oil ration is not valid with jetting, you can also foul plugs or worse, when the mixture is wrong. It may also depend on the bike, it is also best to view the owner’s manual to get exactly the correct ratio. The most two-stroke motocross bikes possess usually a ratio of 32:1 or 40:1. The gas is 32 or 40 and oil is 1. It just means that for each 128 ounces of gas, there is need to add around 4 ounces of 2 strokes oil for 32:1 ration or for 3 ounces for 40:1 ratio. Top 10 spark plugs should have these features in them.
In case, you possess extra oil in the mixture, you can rather end up by fouling the plug just because it is highly difficult to burn oil in such amount. Don’t try to cut corners with oil though, just because it is quite important for the purpose of bike’s engine. The two strokes require oil for the purpose of lubrication on the cylinder walls, thus if you do not possess sufficient oil then cylinder walls can easily run dry and may create overheat and also seize the engine in quick way. Thus, it is very essential to put the right mixture pre-mixture for two-stroke gas tank.
The two-strokes possess reeds which air and the fuel flow via cylinder and thus when they are cracked or broken, bike may not run in right way. It can also cause plug to foul and thus before moving out and buying something very expensive, you need to be sure that reeds are good at present.