This was AMAZING!!!!! A short review to express my feelings on this book.
I don’t really have much with vlogging. Until about a year or so ago I didn’t even know what it was. It is just not something for me. I like my privacy, and I also had some bad experiences when I did have a picture up on the internet (or my real name for that matter). So yeah, putting how I look + my name + everything else up? Not for me.
But that doesn’t keep me from being interested in things about vlogging, and especially if that thing is a book about a girl with a stammer making a vlog of her own, with her new friends.
And this book isn’t only about vlogging (it is a big big thing), but it is also about moving, making new friends, having to deal with bitchy, mean girls, how to be more confident, how to not stammer too much (as when she gets nervous she will stammer) and also about falling in love.
The book is full with so many things that it will be like a rollercoaster.
I really loved Lucy and all she did. She was such a fun, delightful character, and I loved her spunk.
The book switches between the vlogging and her real life (her volunteer work, her parents, her schoo life, and more). Which was a delight, because it is just made the book so much more fun. I loved how the vlogging stuff was written, I could just imagine myself watching the video myself. And I just loved their topics, and how they involved stuff that was around them in the video (like with the cat, or the hedgehog). It was all really creative.
I didn’t really like the mean girl. I have to be honest, I am getting REAL tired of this trope. I know school has it fair share of mean people, but does there really need to be a standard mean queen girl and her posse? It just gets a bit lame. Even back in my high school years we didn’t have that, just a few popular girls/boys, but in no way as imposing and queen-like like this girl.
This trope is getting used in so many books, and I would just for once, see a book without it.
I did like the ending and what happened there to the mean girl, and that is all I will say, find out yourself to see what will happen.
The love interest? He was just so adorable, though also a bit annoying with how he acted at times about things like social media/technology.
All in all, I laughed by butt off while reading and I really enjoyed it. I just can’t wait for the next book which is about a friend of Lucy’s.
Review first posted at