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url 2020-11-17 10:11
Everything You Need To Know About Ayahuasca Experience

Ayahuasca popularly known as la purge. The vine has numerous benefits that make Ayahuasca experience, a significant one.

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url 2020-10-27 11:22
All about Ayahuasca

There have been stories all around the world on people traveling to many different destinations for the consumption of ayahuasca. Pronounced as ah-yuh-wah-skuh, this antidote has several long term benefits.

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review 2019-02-25 00:00
Ceremony In Death
Ceremony In Death - J.D. Robb Things are never easy for Lieutenant Eve Dallas. A fellow police officer has died and the investigation is extremely challenging. One of the issues Eve must contend with is that the circumstances surrounding the death, and that of another person, are rooted in pure evil.

As a matter of fact, when it came to the subject matter at hand, I wasn't so sure that I could finish this book. Eve must contend with an element new to her, Wiccans and Satanists. In the process of her investigation, Eve isn't so sure the practices have merit, enough merit to be responsible for the gruesome murders.

Meanwhile, Eve is at odds with a fellow officer more than once in this story. Add to this the ever-present danger facing Eve at every turn and what you have is another excellent book in this series. As always, Roarke is front and center when it comes to keeping Eve safe, especially when she gets a little too close to danger. All the while, Roake and Eve draw ever closer together.

This series is excellent so far, although I am only five books in. I look forward to reading each and every entry in this ongoing series. It is full of suspense, romance and just a bit of a futuristic edge.
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review 2019-02-25 00:00
Ceremony In Death
Ceremony In Death - J.D. Robb Things are never easy for Lieutenant Eve Dallas. A fellow police officer has died and the investigation is extremely challenging. One of the issues Eve must contend with is that the circumstances surrounding the death, and that of another person, are rooted in pure evil.

As a matter of fact, when it came to the subject matter at hand, I wasn't so sure that I could finish this book. Eve must contend with an element new to her, Wiccans and Satanists. In the process of her investigation, Eve isn't so sure the practices have merit, enough merit to be responsible for the gruesome murders.

Meanwhile, Eve is at odds with a fellow officer more than once in this story. Add to this the ever-present danger facing Eve at every turn and what you have is another excellent book in this series. As always, Roarke is front and center when it comes to keeping Eve safe, especially when she gets a little too close to danger. All the while, Roake and Eve draw ever closer together.

This series is excellent so far, although I am only five books in. I look forward to reading each and every entry in this ongoing series. It is full of suspense, romance and just a bit of a futuristic edge.
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review 2019-01-31 22:32
The Purification Ceremony by Mark T. Sullivan
The Purification Ceremony - Mark T. Sullivan

A group of deer hunters in the winter wasteland of northern British Columbia find the tables turned on them, as they are hunted down, one by one, and left gutted like the game they once sought.

The prey of a maniac who moves like the winter wind....swift, unseen and lethal.

Their only chance of survival lies in the hands of Diana "Little Crow" Jackman, a Native American with a troubled past, who must call upon the tracking skills taught to her by her father.....and do the unthinkable....hunt down a hunter.

A well written, well paced thriller that delivers more chills than a Canadian winter...and not just from the cold. The addition of Native American lore gives the novel an added depth, highlighting the chasm between cultures....and between civilized people and the rabidly primal.

Highly recommended.

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