At A Glance
Genre: Young Adult; Horro
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: nope.
Cliff Hanger: yes!!!!
Rating: 4.5 STars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 8
Plot: 8
Characters: 9
World Building: 8
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: 8
Writing: 8
Ending: 9
Total: 8.5
In Depth
Best Part: EVERYTHING!!!
Worst Part: NOTHING!!!
Overall Feels Felt: OMG; Shit is going down; NOT ELLA!!!
Continuing the Series: YES!
Recommending: yes!
Short Review: Wow. Another amazing book in this series. Every one seems to be going down hill health wise. Going crazy from isolation and getting sick from not having all their vitamins. I missed Saint George thou :( Greenman was pretty neat thou. I just am loving this series, and i'm extremely upset that there is only 2 more to go.
(view spoiler)
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At A Glance
Genre: Young Adult; Horror
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: nope.
Cliff Hanger: Kinda :D
Rating: 4.5 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 8
Plot: 9
Characters: 9
World Building: 8
Flow: 7
Series Congruity: 8
Writing: 8
Ending: 9
Total: 8.5
In Depth
Best Part: Zombie POVs are my fav!
Worst Part: A bit slower in the pacing.
Overall Feels Felt: ZOMBIE POV!!; Shadowman is bae!; oh shit!
Continuing the Series: heck yes!
Recommending: heck yes!
Short Review: Wow. I just love this series! I heart the fact that they are now including "Zombie" PoVs in the books more now, i love them so much. Greenman was so interesting and his part in the end was great. Saint George is still as badass as he was in the last book. I love Shadownman! He is just awesome. I felt like i was reading a documentary when it was his PoV and it was great. The gore was amped up in this book from the previous books, so be aware of that. Lots of death going around.
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