Electronics and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha."The expenditure by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) under Digital India programme was Rs 1,452..Prasad said under the Modified Special Incentive Package (M-SIPS), 201 applications with proposed investment of about Rs 52,083 crore have been approved, while 20 applications with proposed investments of about Rs 5,048 crore have been recommended by the Appraisal Committee for approval.19 crore (FY2017-18) and Rs 3,328.Prasad said under the Digital India programme, the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) has effectively utilised digital technologies to transform lives of people, while ensuring digital inclusion of all the segments.Digital India is an umbrella programme that covers multiple projects of various ministries and government departments.70 crore (FY2015-16), Rs 1,217.
New Delhi: The electronics and IT ministrys expenditure under the Digital India programme more than doubled to over Rs 3,328 crore in FY2018-19 from the previous fiscal, Parliament was informed on Thursday.Also, digital payment transactions have grown multi-fold from 316 crore transactions China kids umbrellas factory in 2014-15 to 2,182 crore transactions in 2018-19."Each project has its own budgetary requirement and accordingly, project-plan has been charted out by the implementing Ministry/departments and budget details are being maintained by concerned ministries/departments and states/union territories," the minister said.65 crore (FY2016-17), Rs 1,407.He pointed out that 123 crore (as on June 24, 2019) residents have been provided with biometric-based digital identity as compared to 61 crore in 2013-14."Aadhaar combined with Digital Locker, eSign, and various forms of digital payments have paved the way for common man getting services on his mobile instead of having to run to multiple government offices," he said