Let the milk boil steadily for five minutes and then reduce the flame to a simmer.Pour into individual bowls and freeze. If you haven’t explored the option already, here’s how you can make a start. Keep aside to cool. The only oasis of colour then, was the ice cream shop. Mix well.The journey began 2,600 years ago in ancient Persia.I grew up in an era when television screens were black and white and school uniforms were monotoned. Freeze it for an hour, remove it, stir gently with the whisk and return to the freezer.For the salad, mix the watermelon, salt, mint leaves and olive oil. Scoops of various hues sat under one roof. Marco Polo is believed to have carried the recipe back to Italy with him.Your sweet potato and beetroot ice cream is ready.Stir the crushed chikki into the cool kulfi mixture. Chikki Kulfi I grew up in an era when television screens were black and white and school uniforms were monotoned. Add the dried nuts and raisins and empty this out on a well-oiled tray. When the sugar dissolves, bring the mixture to a boil for a couple of minutes and then simmer it for five minutes. This puree should be able to coat the back of a spoon. Serve it immediately.Saffron and Chikki KulfiIngredientsWhole milk 400 mlCardamom pods 2 Honey 40 gm Saffron strands a pinchSugar 40 gmCrushed pistachios 5 gmRaisins 5 gmChopped almonds 2 gmMethod In a pot, boil the milk along with the cardamom pods; stir continuously to prevent it from sticking to the bottom and burning. Scoops of various hues sat under one roof. Soak the bread in water for five minutes; squeeze out the excess water and add it to the puree along with the olive oil and lime juice.Watermelon salad with lime, ginger and black pepper sorbetIngredientsFor the saladDiced watermelon 500 gm Mint leaves 2 sprigsSalt a pinchOlive oil 10 mlFeta cheese 30 gmFor the sorbetLime juice 100 mlGinger 15 gmCrushed black peppercorns 10 gmLime zest a pinchWater 200 mlSugar 100 gmSoda water 100 mlSalt, a pinch Method In a pot, simmer ginger, black pepper, lime zest, water and sugar together. Do this about seven times to incorporate air and give you a lighter product. When the vegetables are cooked through and the water is reduced considerably, grind them along with the remaining water in a food processor till you get a smooth puree.In another bowl, mix together the sugar-spice mixture, lime juice, soda water and salt. Pour this into an ice cream maker and churn. Taste and adjust the seasoning if required. Stir in the honey, nuts, saffron and raisins.Then in 200 BC, the Chinese invented a device to make sorbets and ice creams. The only oasis of colour then, was the ice cream shop. China hexagonal nuts Manufacturers Remove from the heat and leave it aside to cool. Or freeze the mixture for about two hours in a tall canister and then remove it.Sweet potato and beetroot ice creamIngredientsPeeled and diced sweet potatoes 400 gmPeeled and diced beetroot 400 gmPeeled garlic 20 gmSalt 15 gmCrushed black peppercorns 15 gmWhite bread, crusts cut off 2 slicesExtra virgin olive oil 20 mlJuice of one limeMint leaves to garnishMethodCover the beetroot and sweet potato with water in a pot and boil them together along with the garlic, salt and black pepper. In fact, for the smallest coin in circulation then, vendors would let you lick the insides of an ice cream bowl after the customers had eaten their order! We have come a long way since those days, to a time when we can whip up these divine offerings in the comfort of our kitchens.For those who don’t have an ice-cream maker, freeze the mixture for about two hours in a tall canister and then remove it and stir with a whisk very briefly and then return it to the freezer. Sprinkle the feta on top and top it with a large scoop of your freshly made lemon-ginger-black pepper sorbet. When it cools, crush it roughly with a kitchen mallet. The Persians are also credited with sharing the recipe of kulfi with the Indians.For the chikki, heat the sugar in a pot till it turns a beautiful, gold caramel colour. It is known however, that ice creams really evolved under the patronage of the French and Russian courts in the 16th century, even though they were extremely expensive. Stir with a whisk very briefly and then return it to the freezer. I still believe that a scoop of ice cream does more for world happiness than all other initiatives put together.Run this in an ice-cream churner. Do this about six times to incorporate air and give you a lighter product. Serve frozen garnished with honey and crushed chikki.The writer is corporate executive chef for Mars Enterprises, Mumbai. Stir occasionally till the milk reduces to a fourth of its original volume. Back then, the royalty was served shaved ice drizzled with rosewater, saffron and fruits. Simmer for a couple more minutes and then remove from the flame. In fact, there are still remains of the conical-roofed ‘yakchal’ in Iran, which were the forerunners of the modern-day ice storage units. Taste and adjust the sweetness if necessary. Freeze it for an hour, remove it, stir gently with the whisk and return to the freezer