I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to play Guitar Hero all evening.... If you insist on using humor . check out this college application letter I came across on the web.. I have gone on covert operations in San Francisco for the CIA. That means that you could use a full-length picture of yourself. They simply paste up their headshot and let it go at that. SELLING. A graduate of Seymour Technical Institute, Jane spent 15 years as an arbitrator for the state of Wisconsin."
The fourth example is the worst: The poor attempt at humor. This is the section of almost U Shape Shower Curtain Rod for sale every website I see, where actors come across as needy, clueless, confused, or simply unprofessional.. .. This is a crucial element of an actor's website and many actors do not pay enough attention to it. I was also honored to be caller number nine - winning a pass to see Britney's custody case.