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review 2015-05-16 02:06
Review 1: Before Amen - Max Lucado
Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer - Max Lucado

Just a simple and quick review.  


Max Lucado has always been a favorite author of mine.  I haven't read any of his books in a while but then again I haven't read much in the past year.  However, Before Amen gave me a reason to indulge and simply break into reading and trust books again.  (That in itself is a whole nuther story.)


Lucado doesn't make a huge deal out of the complexities of prayer but just breaks things down and make things simple because prayer doesn't need to be all complicated to just speak to the Jehovah.  And Lucado still has a wonderful way with words.


We access the throne room of God by virtue of the name of Jesus.  

Heaven sees his signature and throws open the door of welcome.  

Mark it down: IT won't have the last word.  Jesus will.


There are more wonderful gems within the book and it refreshes the heart and soul when read. =)


I do want to let others know before reading that the read goes to 100 pages and then 101 starts off the study guide when it ends.  Just to let you know.  

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