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text 2019-03-26 03:24
Adoption and wider user of any IT system


Adoption and wider user of any IT system has been a challenge for nearly all organizations. Same is true even for project management system. But like any problem and challenge, there are solutions to achieve the adoption goal. It is important to firstly understand exact issues in adoption of IT system and then taking a systematic approach to address those concerns or issues. Zilicus Solutions has learned from its experiences how to increase adoption of its ZilicusPM software. Let’s look at those tips to maximize the adoption, usage and benefits of using project management system. Any IT system has different stakeholders and users. Everyone would like to have the system as simple as possible to use it, but it should have all bells and whistles. Individual team members or down the line workers just want to update status/progress of their things whereas executive management would like to get a holistic or bigger picture with various performance indicators to make decision. You see, there is a trade-off between these two things: as number of features, advance level of those features and complexity to handle business process increases, it starts compromising the ease of use of the software.Fortunately we have online project management software that use cutting age technology and have been able to leverage uplifted user experiences. Before we get into the tips to strengthen project management system’s adoption, let’s first go through the checklist of selecting it.Assess existing project management processes and maturity for your companyEnlist the features and functionality you would like need to streamline project management processes at your companyPrioritize the list of features, capabilities your users will requireHave the budget provision madeShortlist online project management system that meets your broader requirementsEvaluate shortlisted systems and filter the listSet Realistic Expectations About New PM System: All of us should understand that an IT software serves to enable, automate the business process, people. Similarly the objective of implementing PM system should to enable people to automate project management processes. Project management system can not act like project manager by itself. It is driven by people for people. Don’t expect that PM software will do any sort of miracle or address the inherent problem with your project management process. If there is any problem with the people or processes, in all probabilities, it will have to be managed separately and not through software.Identify PM System Champions and Empower Them Now we are speaking about bringing in change in the organization, in the project management processes. To facilitate the change management processes, you will have to identify project system champions: people who are receptive to technology, new changes, innovation, who understand value of improved processes and productivity.To reap the benefit of PM Software, it is essential that organization is able to achieve complete depth and breadth of the system. What we mean by depth & breadth : is - it should be used for its maximum capabilities and by all of its workforce/employees. And there can be no better starting point than having PM software champions. And there need not be specific role like champion in the organization but a personality trait. And it should start with someone in higher management. Champions foresee the possible resistance, obstacles for the system. They should be well equipped, trained, empowered to handle those questions, obstacles, etc. There should be a plan for champions to advocate and enable the adoption process, and it should be reviewed in the early phase of implementation.Don’t Overwhelm Them,

Take a Step-By-Step ApproachIf project management processes in your organization are not mature enough, you can’t simply force it on your project team members with the software. People will need to be trained, to understand e.g. risk management, change request management, project charter, scope, etc."After implementing Project management software across numerous organizations in different industries with varying project management processes, we have learned that all capabilities in software systems cannot be learned overnight, especially when your team members do not have enough experience of formal project management aspects", Said Dhan, co-founder of Zilicus. He further said "Hence Zilicus recommends step-by-step approach in implementing ZilicusPM, starting with its basic project management module and then after people are trained about risk management, issue management, change request management, stakeholder management, tracking time, expenses, you can enable those modules one by one."Ensure Everyone Understand Where to Find Single Source of TruthAs a management person and leadership who is driving project management system in the organization, you will have to make it clear to all team members, project manager and other stakeholders, that there will be only one PM System which will serve as a single source of truth and no other system will be used. If the project details are updated in designated system, then only it will considered as done. Just make it clear that there will be no two or three or more system to do the same thing, as Cleanroom project Manufacturers a management representative, you are going to use only new system and every should use only that system.Establish KPI, KRA, Performance Elements and Track Using New SystemIf new system is going to be used to deliver projects, you declare that which KPI, KRA will be used to assess performance of project delivery, project manager, project teams. Once everyone starts entering information, update project details, you will see the project dashboard showing useful information.

Once you start interacting with project managers based on these dashboards and reports, it will set the common structure, common template for project progress discussion across all projects and all project managers.Welcome Questions, Suggestions From Team Also Encourage Positive ReceptionIt wouldn’t be wrong to see that team members, employees would expect training for the new PM system. It is recommended that organization should insist for online project management training from respective software vendors. Welcome questions and suggestions from your colleagues, team members. It is possible that there would be few naysayers in the organizations however you should encourage positive receptions of the new project management system.About ZilicusZilicus offers All-In-One online project management software that provides complete project management control for project and portfolio managers; at the same time makes it really simple for project team members to stay on top of things. If you have been managing projects with conventional spreadsheet/ MS Excel templates or emails, it is the right time to start using online project portfolio management software. We provide great platform for better project collaboration. Take a screenshot tour of project management software and Sign up for 30-days free trial of project management software.


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text 2018-10-25 03:06
Types of testing


So there is a need to check the program after developing. Software testing is a process of testing, the quality of project & design of website or any other project made according to client recruitment or not.Stress Testing: stress testing is done to check that how & when failure will occur for this program, it is tested on giving continuous & complex input.Usability Testing: usability testing is user-friendly testing & used to check that how it easy to learn for client & provide help documents, if client get stuck. It is not done by developer or tester. This is white box type testing.

Types of testingUnit Testing: unit testing is done for individual unit or tested in internal program so it is done by programmer not by tester because this technique required deep knowledge of programming. This is black box type testingSystem Testing: system testing is a testing in which total system is tested & implemented according to need. If there is mistake then again give to developer to correct that program. This is also known as glass box testing. If we make project like this means, there will be mistake in client project & quality work also spoil because of some small error. This is black box type testing. It is all about functionality & output in response to input. Beta Testing: beta testing is done on final site (after developing & testing) by end users or checking by public release..Regression Testing: regression testing is for any modification in project to check that after modification, previous & newly added function are working or not. This is black box type testing. Then only they will accept. White box testing: white box testing is relating to internal mechanism & in this technique, we are checking code statement, path. This is black box type testing.There are two basic method of testing?Black box testing: black box testing is a technique in which we are avoiding to check the internal design of system.Functional Purification fixed windows

Testing: functional testing is avoid internal testing & related to output that is coming as per client requirement or not.Integration Testing: integration testing is a testing of combined functions. This is black box type testing.So software testing is also an important as like developer & every software company have separate testing team.Acceptance Testing: acceptance technique is done by client to check that delivered project is filling our requirement or not. Especially it is used for client server. This is black box type testing.Software projects are more complex & difficult these days because for getting success, quality & creative work is very necessary for any organization. Because of that error there are difference occur in response of client project requirement. This is black box type testing.When developer makes any software project, there may be some error in program. So check the error or can say output in response to input is called testing. It test that two apps are functioning together or not.Performance Testing: performance testing is to check the performance of project that it works in time in response to any search query or input. So, developers also have pressure to do creative & quality work & develop an innovative project. It includes, black box & white box both type of testing


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text 2018-09-28 03:48
This leads to unmet deadlines


This leads to unmet deadlines, inconsistencies in project data, and general mayhem. About the Author:Manasi Erande Customer Support ExecutiveCeloxis Technologies. Specifying roles also lets each member know who to contact, should they encounter problems or have concerns and queries about a certain topic. The problem with traditional means of exchanging information between teams is that they can be completely disorganized and utterly confusing. Task delegation – Business owners and project managers have the responsibility to weigh the skills, knowledge, and abilities of each team member, so that tasks can be delegated properly among each employee. A good system alerts each user about upcoming deadlines, thus enabling them to manage their time appropriately, so that work can be completed on the listed due date.


And in turn enables you to adjust tasks or make changes in resource allocation so that the project can be completed within the stated timeline. Productivity suffers whenever these kinds of things happen. Project tracking – These tools also provide a way for project managers to keep track of the status and Purification fixed windows the progress of the each project.Project managers usually have to juggle multiple accounts at a time, making it a struggle to organize tasks and timelines, and delegate work to the appropriate teams. Project management solutions make this task lighter by helping you assign roles to the system.Scheduling and delivery – Project management tools help create a concrete timeline for the starting point and expected completion date of projects, as well as the smaller tasks that constitute it.

These solutions are widely available in different configurations, including web-based set-ups that allow you to access features and services from any location. They provide a general picture of where the project is and its timeline. Both web-based and on-premise programs have their set of unique benefits, but they share common advantages that you will appreciate as an organization: Project collaboration – Employees are assigned unique tasks, but they all form part of a larger goal. This is where project management software solutions come to play. With the help of the right project management program, employees and teams can efficiently collaborate on projects as they share the same documents, timelines, and status updates that lead to important milestones. This way, assigned workers can have access to all the information they need about specific tasks. These software programs are powerful enough to track what's been completed, by whom, what tasks are still pending or which milestones still needs to be reached


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text 2018-09-03 03:25
Choosing a trustworthy owners project


Estimating the project, hiring sub contractors, obtaining necessary permits, disbursing money to sub contractors, creating schedules for sub contractors, interpreting plans and specifications, discussing requirements with the property owner and more. These construction professionals enter into a contract with the owner of the project to complete the job as Handmade board suppliers per the requirements, budget and the timeframe.Your owners project manager in Somerville will perform many duties. A reputable contractor has good relations with the reliable and experienced sub contractors and the contractors who work in the market of restoration in Somerville. Get in touch with the clients and ask about their experiences.

When they take the ownership of your project, you need not have to muddle your head. In general, they take the entire ownership of the project, right from planning, and execution and hiring tradesmen, sub contractors to dealing with the suppliers. You can also ask the project managers to give you contact details of the clients they have worked in the past. That means the sub contractors will work according to the expectations of the contractors and will do good work with minimal supervision. If you concentrate on all these things, you will get success in choosing a professional owner project manager for your construction project. Choosing a trustworthy owners project manager is not that easy. They will be responsible for everything, right from the beginning till end.Whether big, medium or small construction project, they all should be handled by good owners project managers in Somerville.

You need to invest time to find one. There are more things the project manager will perform while working on your construction project. The best place to start is with your circle of friends, and neighbors who have recently completed work. Another thing you should inquire about is the work quality. Ask them how did the project underwent and did the project manager communicated well during the project or not.Construction documents and plans cannot be executed properly if you have a project manager who is incapable. In case you need to invest a little bit more to hire the right person, don’t regret. You will save in the long run. Managing the sub contractors is one of their main jobs.You should choose owners project managers in Somerville carefully as no other decision will have a greater impact on you than anything else for the success or failure of your project.


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