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review 2019-12-08 19:34
Like it says on the tin
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter (Nava Katz Book 1) - Deborah Wilde

That's it. That's the review. 

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review 2018-02-26 16:50
ARC Review: The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave (Nava Katz #4) by Deborah Wilde
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave (Nava Katz Book 4) - Deborah Wilde
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave

Nava Katz #4
Deborah Wilde
Paranormal Romance - Urban Fantasy
Te Da Media
February 20th 2018
ARC Review Copy


What doesn’t kill you ...


seriously messes with your love life.


Nava is happily settling into her new relationship and life is all giddy joy and stolen kisses.

Except when it’s assassins. Talk about a mood killer.


She and Rohan are tracking the unlikely partnership between the Brotherhood and a witch who can bind demons, but every new piece of the puzzle is leaving them with more questions than answers.


And someone doesn’t appreciate them getting close to the truth.


Go figure.


On top of that, a demon known only as Candyman has unleashed a drug that’s harming users in extremely disturbing ways.


Nava vows to take this demon down. But will life as she knows it survive this mission, or will this be the one time she should have looked before she leapt?


Happily-ever-after? Barring death, she’s got a real shot at it.






Note: This series needs to be read in order.


I’ve been enjoy the Nave Katz series. I’ve found the novels to be action-packed and entreating. The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave uncovers some interesting things and digs into a mystery, but it also was lacking in character development and those action-packed scenes.


I had a difficult time getting into The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave. Their where things I liked, but there where more things that just bothered me this go around.


Things I Liked:


• I like the covers for this series and the titles for the books. They fit each novel perfectly.


• I enjoyed the mystery of this new drug thats hit the streets. It’s not a normal drug and it affects people differently.


• Things are revealed in many areas. Personal, the Witches, the Brotherhood, Demons, and more.


• I was very happy to see Nava making friends with those in her Brotherhood house.


What Bothered Me:


• Nava has grown a little, but not as much as she should have. She’s not so wild and out of control as she has been, but she still is not thinking through her actions.


• I’m also disappointed in the lack of training for Nave. She’s in the Brotherhood, but she still doesn’t have the training that all the boys have. They started as kids learning and fighting and well Nava didn’t have that. She needs to study and train, yet she’s not.


• We get progress in finding out who is binding demons, but in this area when Nava learns something she goes to either the Witches, Demons, or the Brotherhood, the ones who know what she is doing, and she tells them that information, which then stirs up a hornets nest. She doesn’t ask discrete questions or investigate well. What she does is get everyone ruffled up.


• And, her relationship. It’s been an on again off again thing. Nava and Rohan are in a good place at the start, but at the end it’s off again. I’m so over this up and down romance. I’m also disappointed that Rohan doesn’t share his personal life aka his history with Nava. He knows everything about her, yet she still doesn’t know things about him that she should. I’m also upset with Nava; because of a choice she makes at the end which she knows won’t end well for her and it doesn’t. Now, I will say that their sexy time is sexy, but I did have an issue with the author trying to progress their relationship with them have sex without a condom. I didn’t have an issue with the no condom. My issue is I didn’t feel that they where ready for that step in their relationship.


The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave was just ok. The story was slow throughout and it left me with with more questions by the end about the Brotherhood, the Witches, and the Demons as well as feeling sad about Nava and Rohan’s relationship. I’m at a point where I’m not sure if I want to continue with the Nava Katz series. Their was just to much that bothered me this time around.


Rated: 3 Stars


*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Author Deborah Wilde with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


Was this review helpful? If so, please consider liking it on Goodreads (Angela)!


Check out my reviews from the previous books:









I was born and raised in Northern Indiana. I’m an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!

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Source: angelsguiltypleasures.com/2018/02/arc-review-the-unlikeable-demon-hunter-crave-nava-katz-4-by-deborah-wilde
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review 2017-08-18 17:04
Release Day ARC Review: The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need (Nava Katz #3) by Deborah Wilde
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need (Nava Katz Book 3) - Deborah Wilde

Review originally featured on Angel's Guilty Pleasures


The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need

Nava Katz #3
Deborah Wilde
Urban Fantasy - Paranormal Romance
Te Da Media
August 18th 2017
ARC Review Copy


Less Hopelessly Devoted, more Worse Things I Could Do.


Nava is hot on the heels of a demonic serial killer and finally working with her brother. The assignment should be a dream come true, not a nightmarish power struggle made worse by her twin's refusal to believe there's corruption within the Brotherhood. Nava is determined to find proof of their dirty dealings, even as she risks irrefutably breaking her sibling bond.


Speaking of clocking annoying males upside the head... Nava is also totally over smoking hot rock star and fellow hunter Rohan Mitra. There is a veritable buffet of boy options out there, and this girl is now all-you-can-eat. So when her demon hunt brings her first love, Cole, back into her life, her revenge fantasies for closure-on all fronts-are a go. Except neither her old wounds nor her new ones are as healed as she believes.


Still, she's got work to do:

Brotherhood: unmask.

Demons: slaughter.

Guy problems: terminate with extreme prejudice.






The Nava Katz series is one you have to read in order. Each installment builds a little more on the characters and world and takes us on a new adventure. It’s been a month between Sting and Need. Ari has his powers now thanks to Nava his sister, her relationship with Rohan is over, and she’s looking for the witches.


The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need is a crazy ride! It’s another whirl wind adventure with some hilarious moments. Their were a few surprises along the way and the ending was a happy one. Rohan comes back and we see that he’s cracked her armor. She loves him, but she knows/feels deep down he’s going to leave her. So where will that leave them? I’d say Nava has some trust issues. We see that her relationship with her brother is strained and Rohan is another complication, plus the Brotherhood being an all boys club and now a girls in it, so we have drama and conflict. 


I wish we got more on the Brotherhood front and the witches. What is the deal? Where is this going? I also wish Nava would grow up a little. She needs to Adult more aka communicate. Her attitude is still very prickly and it’s getting old. 


Even with the few issues I had. Need turned out to be a terrific addition to the series. I had a delightful time and look forward to seeing where things go. 


Rated: 3.5 Stars 


*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Deborah Wilde with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


Was this review helpful? If so, please consider liking it on Goodreads (Angela)!



Challenge(s): Pick Your Genre (PNR/UF) | New Release (2017)





I’m a 35 outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!

Facebook Twitter Google+   




Source: angelsguiltypleasures.com/2017/08/release-day-arc-review-the-unlikeable-demon-hunter-need-nava-katz-3-by-deborah-wilde
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review 2017-08-17 00:00
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need (Nava Katz Book 3)
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need (Nava Katz Book 3) - Deborah Wilde This was so frustrating.. can I have the next book please?

Let's cut to the chase. I wanted to smack Nava. Hard. Quite a bit. The romance? Bloody infuriating one way ticket to frustration-ville. But I so enjoyed this book.
It's my favorite in the series not because of the plot or the romance but because I loved, nay adored the character building.
Book 3 picks up one months after book 2 and you get thrown right into the deep end. Lots of action and emotional dramas.
I was a bit annoyed by Nava and Rohan's situation. Okay, allot annoyed. One thing became really clear really fast however Nava needs to let go and start listening. I found her behaviour really frustrating. Pointing fingers, while doing the exact same thing. But she does get her act together, she does try and see someone else's perspective and I love how she resolves things in the end.
We get to see the twins in action together in this book and I love their codes and language, just as much as their disagreements. I think Wilde shines in this, their relationship feels real and tangible. Having siblings I know how one can at the same time be a total odd but love each other beyond anything. The bond between them, feels real.
The same goes to all the different relationships between the main cast. The issues between friends, the Rasha men views of life.. those details are brilliant and make the characters realistic, way more than in the previous books I connected to the crew. I care about them and can't wait to see what they up to next.

The plot is captivating, lots of action and plenty of dramas. But I feel a bit short changed when it comes to both mysteries. Neither was actually solved. Well the one case kinda was, but it is still open ended. The other, we got given so little, way to little. Yet I am not unsatisfied, because there is some closure and I can't wait to hopefully find out more on the mystery in the next book.

The writing style is witty and imaginative, I love it. Yet at times it felt a bit generic- some of the dialogues were a bit like good old classics from 80s blockbusters, especially at the beginning of the book. While I don't mind it much, it also isn't my favorite thing. Thankfully there are plenty of good dialogues and moments around, so the good outways the bad.

The world building was interesting. I actually would have liked some more. Lots of the world building was done in the previous books, there are some new additions, yet those weren't quite enough for me.
However those new additions were imaginative and fun - and just like with the rest of the book, I want more!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, even if it was frustrating and heartbreaking at times. It is also swoony, exciting and insightful. My favorite in the series so far and I can't wait to get my hands on the next installment.
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review 2017-08-17 00:00
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need (Nava Katz Book 3)
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need (Nava Katz Book 3) - Deborah Wilde This was so frustrating.. can I have the next book please?

Let's cut to the chase. I wanted to smack Nava. Hard. Quite a bit. The romance? Bloody infuriating one way ticket to frustration-ville. But I so enjoyed this book.
It's my favorite in the series not because of the plot or the romance but because I loved, nay adored the character building.
Book 3 picks up one months after book 2 and you get thrown right into the deep end. Lots of action and emotional dramas.
I was a bit annoyed by Nava and Rohan's situation. Okay, allot annoyed. One thing became really clear really fast however Nava needs to let go and start listening. I found her behaviour really frustrating. Pointing fingers, while doing the exact same thing. But she does get her act together, she does try and see someone else's perspective and I love how she resolves things in the end.
We get to see the twins in action together in this book and I love their codes and language, just as much as their disagreements. I think Wilde shines in this, their relationship feels real and tangible. Having siblings I know how one can at the same time be a total odd but love each other beyond anything. The bond between them, feels real.
The same goes to all the different relationships between the main cast. The issues between friends, the Rasha men views of life.. those details are brilliant and make the characters realistic, way more than in the previous books I connected to the crew. I care about them and can't wait to see what they up to next.

The plot is captivating, lots of action and plenty of dramas. But I feel a bit short changed when it comes to both mysteries. Neither was actually solved. Well the one case kinda was, but it is still open ended. The other, we got given so little, way to little. Yet I am not unsatisfied, because there is some closure and I can't wait to hopefully find out more on the mystery in the next book.

The writing style is witty and imaginative, I love it. Yet at times it felt a bit generic- some of the dialogues were a bit like good old classics from 80s blockbusters, especially at the beginning of the book. While I don't mind it much, it also isn't my favorite thing. Thankfully there are plenty of good dialogues and moments around, so the good outways the bad.

The world building was interesting. I actually would have liked some more. Lots of the world building was done in the previous books, there are some new additions, yet those weren't quite enough for me.
However those new additions were imaginative and fun - and just like with the rest of the book, I want more!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, even if it was frustrating and heartbreaking at times. It is also swoony, exciting and insightful. My favorite in the series so far and I can't wait to get my hands on the next installment.
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