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review 2024-12-30 14:40
Trzynasta opowieść
Trzynasta opowieść - Diane Setterfield
Kolejna książka, którą zdecydowałam się przeczytać w ramach Klubu Książki "American Club Corner", to ciekawa historia Diane Setterfield, która na potrzeby swojej książki stworzyła postać tajemniczej autorki powieści Vidy Winter. Owa kobieta pewnego dnia postanawia opowiedzieć nową historię - trzynastą opowieść. Tym razem ma to być biografia. Na swoją biografistkę wybiera Margaret Lea, fascynatkę książek, która na co dzień pracujące w antykwariacie u swojego ojca. Początkowo Margaret ma opory przed podjęciem się tego zadania, lecz z czasem zafascynowana opowieścią Pani Winter, zaczyna się angażować w całą historię - całą sobą. Na jaw wychodzą rodzinne tajemnice mieszkańców Angelfield...

Jakich fascynujących rzeczy dowie się Margaret? Jakie tajemnice ma do opowiedzenia Vida WInter? Kim jest ta schorowana kobieta? Odpowiedzi na te i inne pytania należy szukać w książce "Trzynasta opowieść".
Lubicie stare antykwariaty pełne książek? A lubicie czytać powieści, w których mamy antykwariat, masę książek i skrywane tajemnice? Powieści, w których Wasze zainteresowanie początkowo jest słabe, ale z czasem wzrasta, aż macie ochotę na więcej i więcej? Jeśli tak, to jest to książka dla Was.
W zasadzie, to w powyższym akapicie już napisałam jaka jest ta książka, a także to jak mi się ją czytało. Mamy tu bardzo klimatyczną opowieść z antykwariatem w tle, młodą kobietę, która początkowo miała pisać biografię, a okazuje się, że to większa historia sporej części mieszkańców Angelfield. Krótkie rozdziały w tej książce sprawiają, że czytało mi się ją płynnie i w miarę szybko. Początkowo mnie nie ujęła. Niektóre rozdziały, zwłaszcza te, poświęcone samej Margaret, były bardziej niczym przerywnik. Trochę taka "przeszkadzajka", kiedy to prawie za każdym razem gdy te fragmenty następowały, czekałam tylko na dalszy ciąg opowieść Vidy. Jednakże patrząc na to ze strony samej konstrukcji, mogę śmiało stwierdzić, że ten zabieg (odwlekania w czasie opowieści Pani Winter oraz samo zakończenie wyjaśniające dalsze losy bohaterów powieści) jest dobry i w ogólnym rozrachunku ma znaczenie. Dlaczego? A no dla czytelnika ma znaczenie, bo sprawia, że sami się angażujemy w klimat opowieści i czujemy się jakbyśmy również uczestniczyli w spotkaniach Margaret z Vidą Winter.
Właściwie nie mam do czego się tutaj przyczepić. Może poza jednym faktem, mianowicie czuję lekki niedosyt, gdyż mam wrażenie, że Autorka nie wyjaśniła mi na koniec co się właściwie stało z jedną z postaci w tej historii. Nie napiszę o kogo chodzi. Kto czytał, ten może się domyśli.

Książka nie jest rewelacją, która zmieni moje życie, aczkolwiek uważam, iż jest to historia zasługująca na miano dobrej. Mam też wrażenie, że nie należy do tych książek, których fabuła wyparowuje z głowy po pewnym czasie od przeczytania. Myślę, że dzieje mieszkańców Angelfield pozostaną na dłużej w mojej pamięci.

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review 2022-06-28 03:35
Club Libertine, Volume 3 [The Dom, the S... Club Libertine, Volume 3 [The Dom, the Switch, and the Sub: The Dominant's Guide to Owning and Training a Sex Slave] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlast - Diane Leyne
Books 5 and 6 of the Club Libertine series.

First is THE DOM, THE SWITCH, AND THE SUB. Zack and Serena are living together and are friends-with-benefits. Zack wants Serena as his sub. Serena wants Zack to speed up and make the two a couple. Working with Luke at the Club, he shows them that he wants them both. Can they do it? Will it work?

I enjoyed this story. I liked Zack and Serena. Luke was harder to know. I liked that Luke spelled out what he was looking for. I also liked that Zack and Serena did not blindly jump into a relationship with Luke. They talked it out and decided to try it. When problems arise with Luke, they discuss it among themselves and decide Luke needs to know they are there for him. Serena has a plan and carries it out with Zack's help. Luke shows his vulnerable side and the three work toward being a united group.

The second story is THE DOMINIANT'S GUIDE TO OWNING AND TRAINING A SEX SLAVE. Joshua is looking for a relationship and wants a slave. Jillian has been running a small inn for 10 years or so while raising her younger sisters. Joshua lets her know what he is looking for and asks Jillian to decide if she is interested. She decides to try it. Will it be the right choice for them? Will it go beyond the month Joshua asks for?

I loved this story. It is erotic and hot. Jillian and Joshua are a perfect couple. They have some growing pains, but they work it out. Jillian has her doubts but does communicate so Joshua knows (later rather than earlier) where he needs to support her. I liked that they worked to learn about each other by spending time outside the bedroom.

I look forward to more from this author.
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review 2022-05-31 22:55
The Last House on the Street by Diane Chamberlain
The Last House on the Street - Diane Chamberlain

I listened to this book on a Playaway as I worked outside and it makes an excellent audio book.  The book alternatives between the year 2010 and 1965.  I liked listening to both sides of the story and seeing how the two stories came together, how the characters transitioned through the years and how history impacted the story.  This is a story about race and how race can bring out the best and the worst in individuals. 


The year is 2010 and they had returned to Kayla’s hometown.   This was supposed to be their dream house, a place where they could put down some roots.  So why is it, that only Kayla and their young daughter, were moving into this enormous, beautiful home today?


It was labeled an accident. This “accident” had left Kayla a widow and now, as she takes Rainie through the house, she thinks about this event and how it changed their lives.  Kayla is warned by a mysterious woman not to move into the house and she has numerous “incidents” to scare her away from this new development yet she stays.  Just down the road, Elle has returned home to take care of her aging parents.  Kayla and Elle cross paths and although it would be nice to have someone close to talk with, they know their conversations feel forced.


Meanwhile in 1965, Ellie wants to volunteer over the summer instead of working in her father’s pharmacy.  I love that her aunt was her motivation and that she’s committed to her cause although she experiences a lot of negative response about what she feels so passionate about.  She’s motivated by SCOPE and MLK and she’s bound-and-determined to help those less fortunate.   What an eye-opening experience this is for her!  She never knew what life was like beyond her own world and she finds that she has a lot to offer even when those in her own family don’t feel she does.  I was frustrated with Ellie a few times as I felt she gave in and I couldn’t understand why she bailed after everything she had seen and done; it just didn’t make sense.


I enjoyed the intensity as Ellie went outside her normal boundaries and she did what her heart told her to do.  I loved how the two stories came together and how the women in the hook were different yet they were alike.  I couldn’t stop thinking about this book when I had to lay it down, for what did their futures look like?.  This was a great read for me – I really enjoyed it! 

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review 2022-01-08 02:49
JACK IN THE GREEN by Diane Capri
Jack in the Green (The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 5) - Diane Capri

Gaspar and Otto, FBI agents, are sent to Tampa hunting for Jack Reacher. They are to interview a former officer Thomas Weston about the murders of his first wife and three children and Reacher's investigation of it. Hoping to get a lead on Reacher, they instead become involved in murder.


I have to admit I have not yet read the Jack Reacher series but it is on my TBR pile. I have not read the first two books in this series but I was able to follow along very easily. I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read. I liked Gaspar and Otto. I liked how they were able to get some people to talk. I also liked the history of Reacher being told through others' eyes. I look forward to reading both series.

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review 2021-08-06 03:44
Finding Satisfaction - Diane Leyne

Jess is on the run from her ex who is a cop who is accusing her of stealing his dog. He doesn't say anything about the m0ney she took. Trying to get to her brother she hides out in Satisfaction, Texas where she meets Cole and Murphy. They take one look at her and know she is the one for them. Now her ex shows up. Can they protect her? Will she let them? Will she run more?


I enjoyed this book. I liked Jess, Cole, and Murphy. I also liked the rest of the town's residents that we met in this book. All try to help her. No one judges. Jess does not listen so good although I do think some of the broad hints should not have been hints but just some straight forward talking. Their love scenes were hot.


Proofreading could have been better but the story was good. I hoped that they would work out Jess' problem and end up together.

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