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url 2020-02-19 06:37
Rainbow diet plan chart



Adopt rainbow diet and fill new color in life: इंद्रधनुष या रेनबो देखने में तो सबको ही अच्छा लगता है पर उसे खाकर आप अपना वजन भी कम कर सकते है। परेशान मत होइए इसके लिए आपको किसी असली रेनबो तक जाने की जरुरत नहीं है बस आपको अपनी डाइट में कुछ रंग जोड़ लेने हैं। रेनबो डाइट का अर्थ है अपने आहार में अलग अलग तरीके के रंग जोड़ना, आपको हर रंग की सब्जी और फल खाने चाहिए और कोशिश करनी चाहिए दिन में अलग अलग तरीके के रंगों वाली फल सब्जियाँ खाएं जिस से आपकी प्लेट लगे एकदम इंद्रधनुष जैसी। इसी रंग बिरंगे आहार को रेनबो डाइट कहा जाता है ।

इस आहार में आप सभी रंगो की सब्जी ले लें जैसे सफेद, लाल, हरा, पीला और नीला या पर्पल और इनका एक समूह बना ले । आप हफ्ते में कम से कम दो या तीन बार हर  रंग का खाना खाएं चाहे फल हो या सब्जियां । हर रंग की अपनी अपनी खासियत होती है और हर रंग हमे अलग नुट्रिएंट्स देता है

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❒ हरा रंग

rainbow diet

हरे रंग की सब्जियों व फलों में आयरन की मात्रा भरपूर मात्रा में होती है, ये डेटोक्सिफिकेशन में मदद करती हैं। इनमे कैल्शियम, मैग्नीशियम भी होता है साथ ही इनमे फैट और सोडियम भी कम मात्रा में होता है।

हरे रंग के सब्जियां व फल हैं ; पालक, सहजन, टिंडे, धनिया, अंगूर, तरबूज , मटर, कीवी इत्यादि


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❒ पीला रंग

rainbow diet

पिले रंग की सब्जियों में बीटा कैरोटीन बहुत होता है जो शरीर में विटामिन-ए में बदल जाता है। ये हमारे शरीर को कैंसर से बचाता है। इसमें ब्रोमेलैन एंजाइम भी  होता है, जो इंसान के दिमाग को तेज करने में मदद करता है।

पिले रंग की सब्जियां हैं ; पिली शिमला मिर्च, कद्दू , अरहर की  दाल, पपीता इत्यादि।

कुछ सब्जियां जैसे आलू, शकरकंदी,आम, केला  तुरंत ऊर्जा देने के लिए फायदेमंद होते हैं। इनमे फाइबर सही मात्रा में होता है


❒ लाल रंग

rainbow diet

लाल रंग की सब्जियों में लाइसोपेन नामक पदार्थ होता है , ये दिल की बिमारियों और प्रोस्ट्रेट कैंसर से बचने में मदद करता है।

लाल रंग की सब्जियां व फल  हैं; टमाटर , राजमा , लाल मिर्च, चुकुंदर इत्यादि


कब्ज की समस्या से निजात पाने के लिए सबसे अच्छा उपाय है हरे पत्तेदार सब्जियों  का सेवन बढ़ा दिया जाए और ज्यादा फाइबर वाले फल लें इनमें पानी की मात्रा ज्यादा होती है जिस से शरीर में मॉइस्चर रहता है। इस से शरीर में एनर्जी बनी रहती है और इनका सेवन करने से वजन घटाने में मदद भी मिलती है।

इसके साथ ही रेनबो डाइट के अन्य कई फायदे हैं जैसे, इस से टाइप 2 की मधुमेय भी कण्ट्रोल किया जा सकता है। इस से दिल की कई रोग भी कंट्रोल किए जा सकतें हैं, हाइपरटेंशन के लिए भी ये डाइट प्लान भी फायदेमंद है ।

एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार हर एक व्यस्क व्यक्ति को एक दिन में 5 सब्जियां और 2 फल खाने चाहिए , पर इन सात चीजों में आलू शामिल नही है ।

इसलिए अच्छी सेहत का राज़ है, अप ने शॉपिंग में हर रंग की फल सब्जियां डालें और नियमित मात्रा में रोज सेवन करें। ज्यादा अच्छा ये होता है   की मौसम में मिलने वाली फल सब्जियां ज्यादा उपयोग की जाएँ।

Read more: latest flypped hindi news updates

Source: www.flypped.com/adopt-rainbow-diet-and-fill-new-color-in-life/hindi
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review 2019-10-28 00:16
Meant For You (Rocktown Ink #3) by Sherilee Gray
Meant For You (Rocktown Ink #3) - Sherilee Gray




Wrapped in heartache is an inspiring tale of redemption. Meant for You does haunting, like only Sherilee Gray can. Dane and Everly take emotions on a grueling journey. Out of darkness rises a light that refuses to be extinguished. It would be so easy to get lost in the broken, but somehow Gray rises above all the bruises and finds a way to engulf hearts in hug that is never-ending and forever changing. From the abyss of despair emerges a thing of beauty that has no trouble uplifting us all.

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review 2019-08-31 22:19
Two Stories in One
Meant to Be Yours (Happily Inc. #5) - Susan Mallery

Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.

So this was a great romance by Mallery. I just found out she has a series called Happily Inc. that I just heard of it. This is the 5th book in the series. I have read her other series and now want to go back and read the beginning of this one. Readers also get a nice bonus of a short story starring a woman we find out is the adopted daughter of a Crown Prince in the Middle East. She falls for a man living in Happily Inc. Since this book already spoiled they are together though I didn't really need that story to be included. Also not going to lie, the whole secret princess or prince romance trope never has done a thing for me. So I finished it, but loved "Meant to be Yours" much more.


"Meant to be Yours" follows wedding planner Renee and resident novelist Jasper. They have both seen each other around town, and Renee is hoping for a friends with benefits situation. She sees Jasper as wanting the same things she does, no ties, just banter, and hot times between the sheets. Of course things don't go according to plan. 

Renee has a lot of secrets and it takes about a good quarter of the book to reveal them all. At first I was laughing at the reveal and didn't think it made a lot of sense, but it actually worked. She has a good heart, but is scared about opening herself up again. And due to her mother's past, is reluctant to have anything to do with animals (yeah you have to read the book, no spoilers).

Jasper is an ex-military policeman who is suffering from PTSD. He is now a best selling novelist and writes stories starring a detective tracking down serial killers. Jasper is in a fix though, he's supposed to end his series and his editor wants the main character married off or at least happy with someone. Trouble is that Jasper can't write women. At all. When he and Renee gets involved he gets some tips from her and I did laugh at him watching "women movies and tv shows" and that he reads Rory Gilmore for filth. Sorry, that whole part of the book had me laugh out loud. 


What I did like besides the romance scenes was that there is a lot of development into these two characters and the rest of the town. We actually get Jasper doing something pretty crappy to Renee and apologizing and sincerely apologizing. We also get a behind the scenes look at weddings and unlike with the Nora Roberts series dealing with that, I wasn't bored to tears and wanting to wring people's necks because of all of the stupid acronyms they used.

The writing was really good and I would say that this book after ten years or so is going to read as dated since it mentions a lot of events and pop culture moments. Not going to lie though the Rory Gilmore things, still awesome. The flow was great though it felt like we were galloping towards a finish that I would have been fine if it took a bit longer.

The setting of Happily Inc. sounds great and like a fun little town.

The ending was sweet and as I said though the rest of the book shows Cade and Bethany's story which I had zero interest in. And it felt rushed compared to this one. 

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text 2019-08-30 23:23
Reading progress update: I've read 100%.
Meant to Be Yours (Happily Inc. #5) - Susan Mallery

Loved loved loved! Just what I needed after finishing work today at 1 pm.  So wonderful and the hero talking shit on “A Year In the Life of the Gilmore Girls” and the asshatness of Rory was glorious. Glorious I say!

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text 2019-06-12 16:36
TOUR, REVIEW & #GIVEAWAY - Rules We’re Meant to Break by Natalie Williamson
Rules We're Meant to Break - Natalie Williamson

@XpressoTours, @hotchoc84 (Charlotte), @nataliewwrites, #Contemporary, #Romance, #YoungAdult, 4 out of 5 (very good)


Honest and full of heart, this clever contemporary romance debut deftly combines utterly relatable family drama with all the sweetness and uncertainty that comes with falling in love.


Rule #1: Don’t get attached.


Amber lives by strict rules to survive her mother’s love life: Always keep your eyes on the horizon and never get close to anyone connected to Mom’s boyfriends.


But after they move in with Kevin, the latest of her mom’s “soul mates,” the rules become increasingly difficult to follow. Kevin’s daughter, Cammie, keeps acting like Amber’s friend, even though she’s definitely not. And Jordan—star basketball player, hottest boy in school, and Cammie’s best friend—keeps showing up at the most inconvenient moments.


Amber has reasons for every one of her rules, and following them is the only way to protect her heart when her mom inevitably moves on. But as she spends more time with Kevin, his daughter, and especially Jordan, she starts to wonder if the rules might be worth breaking this time.


Chosen by readers like you for Macmillan’s young adult imprint Swoon Reads, Rules We’re Meant to Break is a charming, heartachingly real story of family and young love by debut author Natalie Williamson.


Praise for Rules We’re Meant to Break:

“The last time I devoured a book like this—I can’t even remember. … It was so openhearted and raw.” —Clarissa, reader on SwoonReads.com


“It is such a true true story about a girl finding herself within her first love. I loved it!” —Forever Bookish, reader on SwoonReads.com


Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2019/06/12/Rules-We-re-Meant-to-Break-by-Natalie-Williamson
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