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Search tags: disposable-hyperdomic-needles-manufacturers
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text 2019-11-19 02:28
Owing to hygiene consciousness

The disposable sensor is one-time-use, commonly used throughout emergency rooms, operating rooms and Intensive Care Units (ICU) where infection control is a concern. Along with blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and respiration rate, the measurement of blood oxygenation is also an important parameter to be measured for patient monitoring. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key players. For further information, please visit . TechNavio, the market research platform of Infiniti Research Ltd, publishes periodic reports on niche and emerging technologies. The key challenge in this market is the threat of product recall. Currently, physicians and patients prefer the disposable sensor in pulse oximeters as it reduces the risk of cross-contamination among the patients and also avoids Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI). Commenting on the report, an analyst from TechNavio's Healthcare team said, "One of the key trends of the Global Pulse Oximeter market is the availability of multi-parameter medical devices in the market. Disposable scalp vein needles Factory 2456." TechNavio's report highlights that global demand for disposable medical supplies has increased tremendously owing to hygiene consciousness. Key findings from the report: * Increasing Use from Intensive Care Unit to General Floor of Healthcare * Manufacturing Error Leads to Product Recall * Telemetry in Demand The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry.

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