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text 2019-11-25 04:08
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally

That is why traditional beauty products with hyaluronic acid were not effective enough and only direct skin injections could help in restoring the natural balance of hyaluronic acid. Your skin is now properly hydrated, nourished and glowing with inner light, all from the very first application! Since hyaluronic acid not only restores the natural anti-aging properties of skin, but also increases cell immunity, working as a shield against infections, it can be also applied on other types of problematic skin, such as cellulite skin, sensitive skin, skin with imperfections and pigment spots etc. Application of these revolutionary technologies allowed Forlle'd cosmeceuticals achieve what no other product was able to - deep skin layer treatment and reversal of aging processes, all that in non-invasive, light and easy absorbing formula of a cream or lotion. The real revolution came when Forlle'd scientists developed a technology, which allowed them to produce hyaluronic acid molecules over 600 smaller than the regular ones. Forlle'd anti-aging products are quickly absorbed by skin and reach the dermis layer, providing immediate results. Compare the results of applying Forlle'd professional products with the effect of regular cosmetics you have been using so far and you should be able to see the difference right away! Scalpels and needles aside, here comes the revolution in the world of beauty products for problematic skin - Forlle'd nanocosmetics. The key to Forlle'd success lies in hyaluronic acid, which, although applied in medicine for quite a long time, has never provided the results everyone was hoping for. Straight from Japan, the country with long-established, strong reputation in providing the best quality beauty products, Forlle'd cosmetics introduce a unique mix of traditional recipes for young, Disposable infusion sets Manufacturers in China healthy skin with cutting edge solutions and methods developed by top experts in molecular technology, with Koichi Tanaka and his Nobel Prize winning technology as the main foundation of the success of Forlle'd brand. Patented innovative formula of Forlle's skin-care products applies the latest discoveries in the field of chemistry and biology to provide outstanding results. to alleviate and eliminate these symptoms. For decades scientists were trying to develop a technology that would allow them to restore the levels of hyaluronic acid within the skin, however it was more difficult task than it would seem at the very beginning. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring in dermis component of human skin and its decline, caused by aging processes was proven to be one of the main reasons why the aging signs are more visible on some types of skin rather than the other. After closer inspection scientists have discovered that molecules of hyaluronic acid are 60 to 300 times bigger than intercellular space within the skin, which means that if applied traditionally in cream or other beauty products, hyaluronic acid cannot penetrate the deepest layers of skin, where it is really needed, but instead it sits on top of the skin providing no real effects.

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