Python Django Tutorial- What is Django,How to Install, History & Features of Django,Python Django Admin Interface,How to Create Application & Simple Project
Python Django Tutorial- What is Django,How to Install, History & Features of Django,Python Django Admin Interface,How to Create Application & Simple Project
Python Web Framework- list of web frameworks in Python like Django, TurboGears, CubicWeb, Pylone, Pycnic, Sanic, morepath, Falcon,Growler,Albatross,pyramid
Django Online Test - Take the test and evaluate your Django knowledge and web development skills with the advanced Django MCQs by DataFlair.
Django MCQ Quiz - Evaluate your knowledge of Django framework that includes questions related to plugins and special features of Django.
Learn Django and practice all the concepts of Django of beginner, intermediate & expert level. Become a Django expert with the master guide to learn Django.