From time to time I look through the collections on my Kindle and delete everything I've read already. I just did that the other day and guess what my first reaction was when I saw I've already read this.
I've read this??? When??? ...and... What was it about again?
After I looked at the blurb I remembered at least that I've actually read some kind of a "A Christmas Carol" themed story last year. That also is quite a good giveaway that I've read it somewhere around Christmas.
So this is the perfect example for a not-bad-but-literally-forgettable story and I'll settle for 3 stars.
This last installment was sitting there on my Kindle for so long. I just couldn't get myself to start it. Why? Because it's the last one in this series!!! And I didn't want it to say goodbye to Logan and Tate.
But now I'm happy I finished it. Though I sure will miss them!