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text 2020-07-07 09:43
6 Challenges an Estore Owner Faces and How to Overcome Them

The Internet is one of the revolutionary innovations of the twentieth century. It connects people from across the globe. A place where we can get almost anything. And to businesses, it gives new dimensions by letting them add new avenues and explore their industry further.


Yes, you heard it right. Today people are not using it just to connect with each other but millions of businesses have come online as well. Big e-commerce companies like Flipkart, Amazon, and Snapdeal paves the way for small and medium-sized enterprises to come online and connect, serve customers from across the globe.


And looking at the constant market growth of eCommerce solutions, today, thousands of businesses are online connecting with their customers. An eCommerce market is a proof that online is the place to be if you want to make your business global.


But, a lot of heart and sweat goes in running an online estore. If you are a business owner, thinking to set up your online store but stopping because of the challenges or don’t have a clear idea of the challenges you might face and how to overcome them, then don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.


Let's dive deep into the challenges you might face while setting up your estore online and how you can overcome them.



1. Developing an Online estore:


This is the first step to take your business online. You can hire an experienced IT company that provides eCommerce development solutions and understands your needs and business requirements clearly. They will help you with developing and setting up your online store. Not only that but slowly as your company grows they will also add new features according to your business’s requirements.


A good eCommerce solution provider will make sure your online store is easy to navigate, has a good UI/UX, and that the theme of the website matches your company’s logo, mission, and vision.


2. Managing your Online Presence:


Your technical partner’s work does not end by just developing your website. You can choose to opt for their extra services like digital marketing to reach the right audience or you can choose to do it yourself as well. The aim is to promote your brand and products online via SEO, PPC, content marketing, or many different techniques. This will help you have a good online presence on different platforms, increase traffic on your website thereby increasing your revenue. All these strategies will eventually help you in growing your business, taking your business global, and getting more customers.


3. Getting and Retaining Customers:


This is one of the major challenges that most companies face. With the ever-growing eCommerce market, you need to provide value for your customers’ money to stay ahead of the competition.


As customers are the king of any business, good service is the key to get and retain the customers. Look at the products and services provided by your competitors and learn from them as to what other things you provide your customers. Providing valued service will slowly but surely help you to grow your business. Ask your customers to share their feedback once they make a purchase with you.


Feedback plays a vital role in any online business. Most customers check reviews before making a purchase. So, this can definitely be one of the ways to get new customers.


4. Reaching to Customers:


As a business owner, you need to understand the ways of reaching out to your customers and vice versa. Create a unified platform for them to reach out to you hassle-free. Or you can branch out and create social media accounts, online customer support, toll-free numbers, customer portals, etc.


If your customers face any issues with your product or service and if you are just a few clicks away resolving their issues, then this will help your reputation as a brand. Nowadays, customers are writing their issues on social media platforms as well. So, your support staff needs to be active on these platforms to answer their queries as and when they occur.


5. Cart Abandonment:


Most of the estore owners have this problem. If the customers don’t find the checkout process to be easy then there are chances they will abandon the cart. With the help of your technical partner or ecommerce web development company make sure to develop the checkout process as simple as possible. Make sure it has features like multiple online payment methods, auto-fill address, etc. so it becomes easy for you to deliver products and make your customers happy.


6. Data Security:


This one is a big challenge with the continuous rise in online data theft but you need to attend to it sincerely. As an online estore owner, you will have sensitive data of your customers like name, address, card details, mobile numbers, etc. So, maintaining and keeping them secure is your responsibility. Make sure that your technology partner is using the updated algorithms to keep the data secure.


Final words:

Taking your business online and maintaining it can be a difficult task but once you understand the way the internet works, running an online business becomes easy. Ecommerce platforms can help you reach a larger audience, grow, and leave a mark in the world.




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text 2019-11-25 06:02



Everybody buys their requirements using online shopping. Ecommerce is the Emerging thing in the current world. Competition increases for the online stores. Each Ecommerce store will be unique to increase their business revenue. Various Ecommerce Development Company is available to build your online presence for achieving the goal.

Must Use Strategies in Ecommerce Development Company

Developing an e-commerce website in the essence of SEO-friendly is the simple solution to increase your online presence in a Search Engine. Some Strategies are as follows:

Category Segregation – Classify your products based on the categories, it will increase better user experience and rank position in the search engine.

Additional Information – Give extra informative about the products elaborately, it improves the user interface.

Resource Section – Get backlinks from other sites for the reference of the products. ERP Solution Providers helps to offer solutions for managing the business. As well as, Link Building Strategy is a useful thing to the other site.

Coupon Codes – To grab new consumers, offer coupon codes with many features. Providing coupon codes brings new customers and increases revenue.

Free Products – Offering free products related to the same brand. It helps to promote a single brand or product. The sale will increase when using customer trusted brands and Products.

ChatBots – Utilize Artificial Intelligence Solutions, to act on all-time to interact with the customers.

Otherwise, Elysian Intelligence Business Solution is one of the Best Website Development Company in India to offer Ecommerce Websites to your business.


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