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text 2020-03-25 03:08
10 New Books to Read Now
Paris, 7 A.M. - Liza Wieland
Mrs. Everything - Jennifer Weiner
Inland - Téa Obreht
The Last Book Party - Karen Dukess
Scars Like Wings - Erin Schwier Stewart
Olive, Again (Oprah's Book Club) - Elizabeth Strout
Wild Game: My Mother, Her Lover, and Me - Adrienne Brodeur
Mobituaries: Great Lives Worth Reliving - Mo Rocca
A Good Neighborhood - Therese Anne Fowler
Naked Mole Rat Saves the World - Karen Rivers

I am trying to use the extra time I have now to catch up on some long-overdue posts. Hopefully you will be encouraged by these suggestions to contact your local bookseller and order some books! Curbside delivery or mailed to your home – we need to support our local businesses in this time of crisis.


I am going to review several books in one post, so that you don’t have to look through the feed for them. If you haven’t seen my posts before, you will notice that I don’t give bad reviews, I simply don’t post about books I didn’t like. By now, I am a pretty good judge of what I like, so it is extremely rare that I don’t finish a book, or find something to like about it. 


Paris, 7 a.m.  by Liza Wieland

I chose this book because I thought the premise was terrific — poet Elizabeth Bishop, who painstakingly chronicled her life in journals, omitted three weeks she spent in Paris after graduating from Vassar. But why the gap? With Paris on the brink of war, Wieland—a poet herself—offers her own theory in this evocative book. Though the book is well-researched, the writing drew me in with its ethereal quality, setting it apart from most historical fiction I’ve read. Recommended for anyone interested in interesting viewpoints on World War II, or Elizabeth Bishop, before she became one of the most influential poets of the twentieth century.


Mrs. Everything  by Jennifer Wiener

I am pretty sure you can’t go wrong with a Jennifer Weiner book, but maybe I’m biased, having read several others. I also have a sweet spot for stories about sisters, especially two seeming opposites like these, who share so much more than they realize. Weiner spares no feelings with the trauma and tragedies they face, but she crafts her story with care and grace. While I will admit that I noticed some timeline inaccuracies here (like many others on Goodreads), I tried not to let that distract me from enjoying what was otherwise a compelling story.


Inland  by Téa Obreht

Inland is one of those books where I say, who knew this topic could be so compelling to me? I understand that plenty of people would find it compelling, but I am not always as open-minded as the rest of you when it comes to certain historical fiction topics. Obreht’s mythic narrative captures the vast, lawless Arizona territory in stunning detail. Despite the little-known history of the time, her characters come to life in a world that is moving and deeply intimate. There is suspense and drama—it’s the wild west, after all—in this gem of a book.


The Last Book Party  by Karen Dukess

This is a perfect, be-careful-what-you-wish-for kind of story, a light read for the weeks ahead. A peek into the publishing world set in a lovingly described Cape Cod community, the story seems even more nostalgic than its 1987 setting would seem. Or is that just me dating myself? The protagonist is a 20-something would-be writer, who hasn’t yet found her footing, and gets distracted along the way. If it sounds familiar, yes, this is the story of many would-be writers, but this one has prettier people fumbling about in more elegant settings, and Dukess’ sharp writing will make you care how it all works out.


Scars Like Wings  by Erin Stewart

I am a fan of middle grade books (and yes, I’m too old for that), so I had no problem reading and loving, Wonder. For those who want something that skews a bit older, Scars Like Wings, while technically still a YA book, offers a more grown-up story in this vein. This felt to me like a much more difficult and personal story, given that teenagers can already be so swift and ruthless in their assessments. The emotions run heavy, but, I think, equal to the circumstances; and these fraught relationships remind you that everyone has their own battles they fight every day.


Olive, Again  by Elizabeth Strout

I am a fan of Elizabeth Strout, and I think I’ve read most, if not all, of her books. I don’t know if I’m in the minority here, but I liked this one even more than Olive Kitteridge. Maybe it’s because I was already introduced to Olive, so, with the exception of seeing her older, and perhaps a bit more empathetic, it was like stepping back into a familiar place. Olive is not a perfectly sweet old lady—she can be ornery, funny, rude, crafty, wise, and occasionally kind. Just like all of us. Personally, I would like her to meet Ove, but maybe that’s for the next book.


Wild Game  by Adrienne Brodeur

I’m not going to lie, this was a crazy book. I had to remind myself throughout that this was a memoir, not some farfetched fiction. There were so many moments while reading this that I stopped to say to my husband, you’re never going to believe this! It was shocking and bizarre, and yes, of course, a gripping story. Brodeur’s got baggage beyond comprehension, all completely justifiable, but she manages to cobble together a life in spite of that. I am amazed at her resilience, and appreciate her lowering the bar for motherhood so that we can all sleep a little easier about the job we are doing.


Mobituaries  by Mo Rocca

This book was based on Rocca’s podcast, which I had not heard, but I am an obituary reader, and the fact that there are several books like this makes me understand that I am not the only one. These are not necessarily the lives celebrated in the NY Times pages, though many are familiar. Rocca celebrates people famous for unusual reasons, and also honors the demise of some unusual things: the station wagon, sports teams, and dragons. This is a perfect choice for these times, I think, not because it’s about people dying—it’s not, it’s celebrating lives—but because I seem to have a social-media-induced attention span, and these individual stories offer some respite from all of that.


A Good Neighborhood  by Therese Anne Fowler

This is one of those stories where you are waiting for the other shoe to drop from the very first chapter. Though Fowler takes us down a seemingly predictable path, she has more in store for these characters than a simple morality tale. I think Fowler’s writing, fresh and smart, saved this from becoming an “issue” book; though the amount of hot-button topics still seemed a little unrealistic. I like a book with multiple points of view, so this added to the story for me, though not every character felt authentic. Regardless, Fowler has given us a lot to chew on here; a perfect read for a neighborhood book club.


Naked Mole Rat Saves the World  by Karen Rivers

This is not your typical middle-grade book. Rivers has given us a cast of unconventional characters who somehow seem ordinary despite their extraordinary circumstances. This is a complex, unapologetic book, overflowing with powerful emotion, necessary magic and superhero naked mole rats—really, what more can I say?  

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text 2019-12-02 15:18
My November 2019
The Family Upstairs - Lisa Jewell,Dominic Thorburn,Tamaryn Payne,Bea Holland
Der Insasse - Sebastian Fitzek
 Sieh mich an: Jeder hat Narben. Manche sind nur besser zu sehen. - Erin Schwier Stewart
The Family Upstairs - 4 stars
Der Insasse - 4 stars
Sieh mich an: Jeder hat Narben. Manche sind nur besser zu sehen. - 4 stars


Favorite book(s) of the month:

e v e r y t h i n g


Books started this month but haven't finished yet:

Still, Just One of the Royals, Becoming


Random ramblings:

I just don't know. November started so very good and towards the end, I didn't get anything done. Could have something to do with the fact that Pokemon Shield got released and I lost my grip on all things not Pokemon related. COULD HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT. I don't regret anything, tho.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2019-11-17 16:55
Sieh mich an // Scars Like Wings
 Sieh mich an: Jeder hat Narben. Manche sind nur besser zu sehen. - Erin Schwier Stewart

german and english review (not spoilerfree)

mir wurde das Buch von Random House für eine Testleserunde zur Verfügnung gestellt


Inhalt: Bei einem schrecklichen Feuer hat die 16-jährige Ava alles verloren, was ihr wichtig ist: ihre Eltern, ihre Cousine Sara, die zugleich ihre beste Freundin war, ihr Zuhause. Sie musste zahlreiche Operationen über sich ergehen lassen. Und noch immer ist ihr ganzer Körper, vor allem aber ihr Gesicht, von tiefen Narben gezeichnet. Doch nun soll Ava sich Schritt für Schritt in den Alltag zurückkämpfen. Saras Eltern, die sie bei sich aufgenommen haben, verlangen von ihr, dass sie wieder die Highschool besucht – Avas schlimmster Alptraum. Schließlich einigen sie sich auf eine „Probezeit“ von zwei Wochen. Ava ist wild entschlossen, danach nie wieder einen Fuß vor die Tür und schon gar nicht in eine Schule zu setzen. Aber dann kommt alles ganz anders, denn Ava findet ausgerechnet dort, wo sie es am wenigsten erwartet, Seelenverwandte ...




Meine Bewertung: Von Anfang bis Ende eine absolute Achterbahnfahrt mit vielen Höhen und Tiefen!!!


Ich muss wirklich sagen, dass mich das Buch gleich von Anfang an gepackt und nicht wieder los gelassen hat. Der Schreibstil war großartig. Ich bin ein großer Fan von kleinen Unterbrechungen des üblichen Textes, deswegen habe ich mich über dargestellte Textnachrichten gefreut und vor allem über die Tagebucheinträge, die Ava verfasst hat. Das gibt dem Buch gleich noch etwas mehr.


Die Charaktere waren großartig beschrieben, sie hatten alle ihre Probleme, sie hatten alle ihre Narben, sie hatten alle ihre Fehler. Gerade deswegen liebe ich sie alle. Sie sind nicht perfekt. Sie sagen die falschen Dinge, sie streiten sich, sie sind egoistisch. SIE SIND REAL.
Ava hat mich gleich von Anfang an berührt obwohl ich sie da ja noch garnicht richtig kennen konnte. Trotzdem war sie für mich gleich von Anfang an jemand richtig besonderes. Und ich bin gerne mit ihr durch all die Höhen und Tiefen gegangen.
Piper hat mir gleich von ihrem ersten Auftritt gefallen, sie war laut, sie war schräg, sie war sarkastisch. Sie war großartig. Bei ihr gibt es allerdings Momente, in denen sie mir zu viel war, zu kontrollierend, zu extrem.
Und Asad. Er war großartig. Man muss ihn einfach mögen. Er ist schon ein tollpatschiger Kerl, der garnicht richtig merkt was für Signale er so an andere sendet, aber er ist wirklich einfach ein liebenswerter Kerl.


Damit kommte ich gleich zu den Freundschaften. Das Wichtigste in Büchern, für mich persönlich. Und die Freundschaft zwischen Ava, Piper, und Asad ist großartig. Wie vorher schon geschrieben, weder die Charaktere noch die Freundschaft ist perfekt. Es gibt kleine Geheimnisse, es gibt große Streits aber am Ende halten die drei fest zusammen und das macht mein Herz einfach glücklich.


Als nächstes die Familiendynamik. AAAAAAAAH. All die Gefühle. Alle. Ava, Cora, und Glenn. Die drei. Sie haben alle so viel verloren, sie haben so zu kämpfen ihr neues Normal zu finden, los zu lassen und nach vorne zu blicken. Das war schmerzhaft aber es war auch unglaublich schön. GEFÜHLE!!!!




Summary: Before, I was a million things. Now I'm only one. The Burned Girl.

Ava Lee has lost everything there is to lose: Her parents. Her best friend. Her home. Even her face. She doesn't need a mirror to know what she looks like--she can see her reflection in the eyes of everyone around her.

A year after the fire that destroyed her world, her aunt and uncle have decided she should go back to high school. Be "normal" again. Whatever that is. Ava knows better. There is no normal for someone like her. And forget making friends--no one wants to be seen with the Burned Girl, now or ever.

But when Ava meets a fellow survivor named Piper, she begins to feel like maybe she doesn't have to face the nightmare alone. Sarcastic and blunt, Piper isn't afraid to push Ava out of her comfort zone. Piper introduces Ava to Asad, a boy who loves theater just as much as she does, and slowly, Ava tries to create a life again. Yet Piper is fighting her own battle, and soon Ava must decide if she's going to fade back into her scars . . . or let the people by her side help her fly.


My review: An absolute rollercoaster ride from beginning until the end!!!


I just have to say that this book grapped me right from the beginning and never let me go. The writing was amazing. I'm a big fan of little breaks between the usual writing, so I truly enjoyed having the text messages and especially the journal entries from Ava. It just gives the book a little bit extra.


The characters were incredible, they all had their problems, they all had their scars, they had their flaws. And that's why I love them so much. They aren't perfect. They say the wrong things, they argue, they are selfish. THEY ARE REAL.
Ava just touched me right from the start, even when I didn't know her that well, yet. She was just someone really special right from the start. I really enjoyed going through all her ups and downs with her.
Piper, I liked right from the moment she first showed up. She was liud, she was extra, she was sarcastic. She was amating. She had moments, though, were she was just too much for me, too controlling, too extrem.
And Asad. He was wonderful. You just had to like him. He is a bit clumsy and awkward and doesn't know which signals he sends to people but I really think he is a loveable guy.


Which brings be right to the friendships. The most important thing in a book, for me at least. And the friendship between Ava, Piper, and Asad was amazing. Like I mentioned, neither the characters nor the friendships are perfect. There are little secrets, there are big fights but at the end of it all, these three have each others back and that makes me heart so happy.


And next the family dynamic. AAAAAAAAH. All the feels. All of them. Ava, Cora, and Glenn. These three. They all lost so damn much, they all fight so much to find their new normal, to let go of things and to look in the future. It was so painful but also truly beautiful. FEELS!!!

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text 2019-11-04 16:15
Reading progress update: I've read 30%.
 Sieh mich an: Jeder hat Narben. Manche sind nur besser zu sehen. - Erin Schwier Stewart

I LOVE PIPER SO MUCH. And Asad. And Ava of course.
I love these kids.

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text 2019-11-03 13:42
Reading progress update: I've read 19%.
 Sieh mich an: Jeder hat Narben. Manche sind nur besser zu sehen. - Erin Schwier Stewart

I have to remind myself that this is still just the beginning...but good god, this book is already trying to kill me with all the feels...

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