Today my son and I took our usual Texas vacay pass through the Half Price Bookstores in Austin. We made some choice discoveries considering that we had visited them less than three months ago. My son found some One Piece manga he was looking for, as well as some Weird Al Yankovic CDs (because he's into parody songs now). Best of all, he found some Spanish-language editions of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, which I was more than happy to buy for him.
For myself, my biggest find was a two-volume set of Page Smith's biography of John Adams, which I have been searching for lately. I also picked up a copy of the third volume of Skidelsky's Keynes biography, which I already own but was for sale for too low a price to pass up.
The most interesting find, though, was when I saw these on a turnstyle:

Until I saw these volumes, I wasn't even aware that this series existed. The volumes look extremely intriguing, especially for better understanding some of the people I cover in class. I purchased the one on Edwards, and if the prices in these are indicative I will probably add a few more to my collection before I'm done.