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text 2018-10-15 09:59
It helped build trust amongst

The Delhi Metro Rail Project has created a benchmark inefficient project management practices despite the challenges. The article reveals the project management strategies and techniques that were adopted by Dr.E Sreedharan as a leader to ensure that the Metro project in the national capital gets completed within the time and budgetary allocations.  The article is divided into segments. Each segment dictates the important aspects of Delhi Metro management’s style such as integrity, time management, professional competency, target orientation, punctuality, crisis management and much more.  Delhi Metro – A world record in project execution Dr.E Sreedharan was able to complete the first phase of the project in seven years and three months – almost two years and nine months ahead of schedule. Whereas the second phase which covers a distance of 125 kilometers was completed in a period of four and a half years which was a world record.  Although this project faced a lot of technical difficulties it managed to establish a world record. This is because the Delhi metro project management executed the plan with an entirely different style and fashion. This initial achievement helped Dr.E Sreedharan lead bigger achievements in future. Delhi Metro – How punctuality was built into the management of the project The Delhi Metro project management team followed strict discipline and punctuality. Everyone understood their responsibilities and worked towards it right from the beginning in order to achieve the project’s vision. Stricter discipline and ground rules helped the team bear fruition in the long run. Delhi Metro Reverse Clocks – Helping the organization meet tight deadlines E Sreedharan’s routine was no different when he was implementing the Delhi Metro rail project on tight deadlines. He always knew how to manage his time. At the project sites of Delhi Metro, he set up reverse clocks to show impending deadlines. He ensured that the team kept an eye on the deadline and facilitated quicker decisions. He efficiently delegated the work to his associates and supported the entire project team wholeheartedly at every phase. This action helped the Delhi Metro project management team execute the operation much faster and quicker.  Delhi Metro – The importance of Integrity in project management  Dr.E Sreedharan’s definition of success is not just about completing a project on time but completing it with transparent integrity.

It helped build trust amongst stakeholders. Also, made the Delhi Metro rail project get executed smoothly.  Delhi Metro – Building Professional Competence has paid huge dividends Dr. E Sreedharan encouraged his team to strive for mastery. For the first phase of Delhi Metro, DMRC had hired foreign consultants. But by the second phase onwards, the Delhi Metro management was entirely on their own. They learned the tricks of the trade during the execution of the first phase itself and knew enough to challenge the consultants. Employing experts helped the project team learn and gain expertise. This knowledge was later used in other similar projects.  Delhi Metro – Social responsibility leads to fiscal prudence in project management For Dr.E Sreedharan, there was more to a metro project than engineering excellence, effective project management and use of the latest technology. It’s was about serving the people.  He always kept in mind that that the money spent on the project is the taxpayer’s money. And for this reason, he ensured the project was well planned - inorder to minimize inconvenience to general public.  That’s not all, the Delhi Metro team on their own even decided that for every tree cut during the project, they’ll plant ten trees as compensatory afforestation.With this act of stupendous social responsibility,the Delhi Metro project became one of its kind.

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Delhi Metro – Making contractors as partners in project implementation Dr.E Sreedharan had always been respectful towards its stakeholders. He knew the project’s success depended a lot on the work of contractors, hence he made sure to have a good relationship with them. He won the trust of the stakeholders by ensuring the contractors are paid on time. This, in turn, helped him deliver the project with better results within the stipulated time. Dr.E Sreedharan’s Delhi metro project had covered all the aspects necessary for successfully managing projects. Therefore, this Delhi metro project case study is very informative for those readers who want to know more about project management techniquesand strategies. It will immensely benefit the managers and students who wish to emulate and learn how a project can be implemented successfully. For more information on this article, visit: https://pmi.org.in/videoseries/railway/seo-article

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text 2018-09-10 03:15
Make a general idea about what to expect


Make a general idea about what to expect from online project management. Another opportunity you get is testing the demo version to see how it works with smaller projects and whether it meets your expectation. You can find it with advance online project management tools. When you implement advanced project management software you succeed to increase productivity and create a meaningful informational collaboration.. A project can run smoothly when every member involved assumes responsibility for the tasks assigned and solutions are provided collectively, deadlines are respected and everybody is permanently notified about challenges, accomplishments and Steel purification door suppliers so on.

Project management software should be easy to use, affordable and reliable. It might seem a bit challenging to choose between project management software versions, precisely because there are many different types, corresponding to specific needs. Small as well as large enterprises make use of online project management for myriad of reasons and benefits. The set-up, the performance, the monitoring are important stages of a project and you certainly need efficient help with them. The information provided through online project management has to do with tasks overview, instant communication and updates, risks warning, optimal utilization of resources, performance and progress evaluation, and plenty more. Keeping track of work progress is an important feature that makes it easier to work with deadline and organize workflow. Calendars are also easy to coordinate and customize the level of transparency and accessible information. You can request feedback and approval, allow partners and team members to have access to files, to do lists, task calendars, documentation, and administration systems. Good luck with your projects and workflow management!Learn more facts about the online project management at: online project management and achieve your management goals with: project management software. If multiple teams are involved in the same project it’s crucial to stay connected, instantly updated, and actively involved throughout the project. Every person involved in the project has access to information related to which task is designed to whom, and comment or edit updating news.

It must be highly efficient with all the major tasks you need it for.Prioritizing features and tools will help you determine which project management software is the best for your business objectives. Project management software can be more or less sophisticated, but the main functions remain the same. Efficient interaction is so important for the success of a project, and online project management improves communication functions. As this can also be a mobile application, it offers access to business information database at anytime and anyplace. Think about the aspects it can improve related to your project and ask your partners and employees about main challenges and difficult points they need help with. You have to ensure that the software you choose offers great solutions for the most challenging aspects, covers all the function you require and possibly more. The many aspects of online project management include planning, organizing, developing and estimating resources. stage management, planning reporting, document transfers, editing, centralized data are some the functions you might be most interested in. This way you will prioritize the features you want to rely on.


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text 2018-09-06 07:33
There are vast number of management


There are vast number of management consulting firms are available. Professionals have the ability to coach, mentor and build the relationship with all level of business and domains. Whether you’re an individual or getting training on behalf Aluminum profile hollow glass windows suppliers of your company’s task, project management consultants do the best for you to improve your skills and knowledge. Best part of these courses is that consultancy takes only a reasonable amount of fee for offering training, coaching and mentoring. PMP Certification consulting firms employ experienced and certified project managers that use their specific knowledge, skills, tools and practical experience to let your understand all the prospects of project management. If your project manager lacks some understanding with their project management role, you can take the help the PMP coach professional.

Here, attendee and participants gets step by step methodology training to improve their management skills for managing a project and completing an assignment. If you’re a fresher or lack somewhere in managing a complex project, project delivery or time management, you can take help of professional project management training and certification. For more information please visit our website: www. They will make you understand how possess the skills to complete a project and assignment within a defined budget, time and scope.SalesForce training consultants are experienced and knowledgeable enough in field of communication and employees relation. These consulting firms have highly experienced and expert mentors, provide all the professional guidelines and practical knowledge to applicants.

Taking these training help you to learn and inculcate the project management skills such as understanding the client requirement, time deadline, and budget, delivery of the project and team management.strategisminc.So, if you want to manage your project efficiently right from Start to End, you must follow Agile training specific guidelines and rules. That rules, regulations and methodology come up under Project Management Strategy. This training is good for everybody whether you want to improve your skills and learn the new one to perform better at your workplace. Moreover, the certification helps you to find job and get good negotiation with project management profile. These firms help companies to improve the business productivity and project management in a well-defined manner. If you’re not able to attend a face to face and in-class training, you can select online or boot camp training.At these consulting centers, employees can get the training at their convenient time, allows them to get the training with an ease. The professionals help in developing the skills and strategies in defining project scope, time management, cost estimation and plans.


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