Read from August 13 to 21, 2015
Another five star read, in my opinion. Loved the gothic southern plantation setting! As a native of Louisiana, and a fan of touring these gorgeous homes, it was easy for me to imagine the scenes Young describes so well. Great story! Flowing storyline with a protagonist that I identified with right away. Charlie and I both lost a young child. I could feel her emotions and I easily understood how Charlie's mind was open to dark, brooding thoughts and dreams. The loss of a child can leave one open to the darker side of the soul. It wasn't totally unbelievable to me that Charlie would begin to suffer from nightmares and visions that have the uncanny ability to coincide with life. Thankfully, my resemblance to Charlie ended when her dreams turned into calls for help from the recently departed or those very near to death. Thinking she's losing her mind, Charlie learns that her grandmother also had similar dreams, dreams that become reality, right down to the exact second. Then, Charlie gets a call to write a book that will blow open a 30-year old cold case in Chicory, Louisiana. Coincidentally, Charlie has been having lifelike, vivid dreams about the missing toddler at the center of this investigation. Charlie will find herself behind The Gates of Evangeline and will soon be standing in the middle of a crime zone. Will she remain standing or fall prey to a murderer who lurks around the mucky swamps and beautiful grounds of Evangeline? I'LL NEVER TELL. (doing my best sing-song Brittany Murphy imitation.)
If you like mystery with southern flavor, I highly recommend this book. The plot is perfect and stumped me until the end. The. Very. End. Hester Young, consider me a fan that will return for second helpings.
*I won a copy of this book in a Goodreads giveaway. (Still haven't received!) Because I was anxious to read and I lack patience, I also reserved a DRC through Penguin's First to Read program. Thanks to both Goodreads & Putnam and Penguin's FTR for the generous ARC (hoping to find in my mailbox!) and the DRC. Opinions are my own.
If you like mystery with southern flavor, I highly recommend this book. The plot is perfect and stumped me until the end. The. Very. End. Hester Young, consider me a fan that will return for second helpings.
*I won a copy of this book in a Goodreads giveaway. (Still haven't received!) Because I was anxious to read and I lack patience, I also reserved a DRC through Penguin's First to Read program. Thanks to both Goodreads & Putnam and Penguin's FTR for the generous ARC (hoping to find in my mailbox!) and the DRC. Opinions are my own.