They may purchase brrr° yarns and become a certified user of brrr° yarns. “But we can be the best in class in technology and license the technology to best in class product leaders who can make their products even better with brrr°.
“My idea when I started the company was to create a technology that could be applicable to all of the fabrics in our lives, and so to see the vertical of automotive taking off, to see bedding taking off, it’s really illustrating that vision and it’s exciting!”For more information about brrr°, contact Julie Brown, +270-361-9338; jbrown@brrr.”
Kolb identified a need in the industry for an authentic cooling technology, and after working with scientists in Taiwan to bring her ideas to life, brrr° was born.Or, manufacturers may buy fabrics featuring brrr° from the company, and the company offers product development assistance through its Taiwan-based manufacturing facility.
Kolb sees enormous possibilities for the cooling technology in medical products. Currently, polyester and nylon filament yarns are available, although other polymers may be used, and the company is looking into incorporating brrr° during other spinning methods to expand the family of yarns that are “And my curiosity for that led me down the path of textile technology. We feel very confident and stand behind the word proven. “