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url 2019-07-24 12:58
Hotels To Spend Comfortable Nights in Hong Kong! - CollectOffers HK


If you still haven’t decided about the place where you will stay or still not thought of it then you must first check out the most budget hotels in Hong-Kong listed below and after considering all these lists, finalize a hotel and use Expedia discount code on your purchase for a promising stay. 



Source: www.collectoffers.com/hk/articles/10-best-adventure-tours-and-hotels-to-stay-in-hong-kong-id-1025
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url 2019-07-15 13:40
Women's Trendy Fashion And Online Shopping Websites in Hong Kong

When you plan to shop locally in Hong Kong, you are bound to see some exclusive styles and their local best fashion that keeps you trendy. Now, where to find the best suggestions for shopping for women’s fashion in Hong Kong? In this post, we will share the best women fashion apparels and best online stores where you can get all these apparels at a cheap price.


Talking about the latest fashion, there are several styles and brands that come up in our mind but are these trends and styles worthy to buy and wear? 


Source: www.collectoffers.com/hk/articles/women-s-trendy-fashion-and-online-shopping-websites-in-hong-kong-id-1016
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url 2017-04-02 08:35
办理澳洲MQU原版文凭Q/微963146376改麦考瑞大学雅思托福、麦考瑞大学高仿毕业证、麦考瑞大学学历认证、麦考瑞大学在读证明Macquarie University
Bus Companies of Hong Kong: Citybus, Kmb, New World First Bus, Roadshow, Kowloon Motor Bus, Kowloon Motor Bus Fleet, China Motor Bus - Source Wikipedia


-------------【详情咨询:留学认证顾问Aaron Q/微963146376】-------------
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我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。目前这个行业鱼龙混杂要什么价格的都有,有的可能给你一个一文不值的东西应付了事, 有的甚至连应付都懒得,直接拿钱消失了。还有一些人甚至连26个字母都认不全就敢出来搞。对于遇到这样的人或中介,就算给你再低的价格,你的钱也是白白扔了。
当然我们不能说除了我们别人都是骗子,这个行业还是存在诚信和实力的中介的。希望大家擦亮眼睛,不选我们至少也别选个骗子。 那样的话我们既没做成你的生意,你又被骗了。 大家都杯具了!还是谢谢那些老客户对我们的支持!谢谢那些给我介绍客户的朋友们!
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url 2016-06-17 02:27
Axia Consultants - Software Project Budget

25 tips for a more timely and accurate budget

The budget for a new software project is a key component in the ROI calculations. Here are 25 tips for obtaining a more timely and accurate budget:


Project budget process

  1. Determine your budget process eg

- the steps required to gather the information

- the time scales for your budget process and key dates

- the deliverable(s) required

- who is involved and what resources are available

- the formal review stages

- the number of project budget iterations and re-workings

- how any budgetary disagreements should be resolved


  1. Is one person to be in overall charge of calculating the project budget? Or will various sections of the budget be allocated to team members to complete and then be consolidated together?


  1. Ideally there should be input from a number of people associated with the software project. So arrange for contributions from the project manager, project leader, information systems manager, key users, steering group members, vendors (for software quotes) and procurement.


  1. Remember, your first calculation of the budget is just that – your best estimates and (educated) guesses at the time. Treat the budget calculations as ongoing ‘work-in-progress’ and continually refine and revise, until the budget is approved / finalised. But even after approval, unforeseen events and project changes can force a budget to be revised or reforecast.


Budget costs

  1. Determine what you are including within your project budget. Include only in-scope items. Exclude all non-scope items. But keep a list of excluded items, so they may be included or budgeted for at a later stage, if required.


  1. Identify and itemise all project costs


  1. Determine if you are working on an incremental cost basis (ie only including new or additional costs for your organisation). Or whether you are working on a full costing basis (ie including the project’s share of allocated costs incurred within the organisation). If including allocated costs, do so, on a consistent and agreed basis.


  1. For purchases, include shipping and sales taxes (eg VAT) if unable to reclaim them.


  1. Cost all tasks within the project plan. Initially labour costs can be estimated as the number of days x their estimated cost. Later on, more accuracy may be achieved by working in hours and an hourly rate.


  1. Ensure daily or hourly labour rates include: salary + benefits + pension + social security costs ie the total labour costs.


  1. Review other software projects / staff performance to get an idea of how long people take to complete specific tasks.


  1. State your budget assumptions – so if these change, the budget can easily be changed.


Budget risks

  1. The total project budget is the sum of the itemised estimated costs plus contingency for project risk. Typically, contingency (for project risk) can range from 5% of costs for a small quick project, to 30% or more for a large, complex or long project.


  1. One option for calculating contingency is to simply add a percentage to the total costs, based on your best estimate. However, for more accuracy, you could identify the known and potential risks and then estimate a contingency for each project cost item. Risks can include: the number of software modules, the number and experience / skills of resources, project dependencies, critical dates, time shortages, implementing over multiple locations, new technology and costs yet to be negotiated.


Budget review

  1. Regularly review the budget, both on an informal and formal basis. Whilst the total project budget cost is important, are there any components which look high, low or unusual? What is the budgeted project cost per user (total project budget costs divided by number of users)?


  1. Look out for obvious over or under budgetary estimates – attempt to be as realistic as possible.


  1. Compare your calculations with those from the software vendor. What is their estimated total cost for your project / organisation? What is their typical total project cost and typical cost per user, for projects that they have undertaken elsewhere?


  1. Compare with other projects within your organisation and their deliverables, original budgets, actual costs, over / under budget analyses.


  1. Is your budget broadly ½ software and ½ labour (ie excluding hardware expenditure within the project)? Or is it roughly one third each for software, hardware and labour (if replacing hardware)? If not, re-examine your costs.


  1. Are the budgetary items and their costs included in the correct year? Is the budgetary phasing / timing accurate? Have any warranty periods been included, prior to the commencement of annual (maintenance) costs? Would greater accuracy be achieved by phasing costs over months or quarters, rather than in years?


  1. Are there any budgetary disagreements awaiting resolution? If so, are there project cost implications and have these been included within the budget?


  1. Is the contingency for project risk large enough? What is used for other similar projects within your organisation? Can an increase be justified?


  1. Have the budgetary calculations been checked for any spreadsheet errors? If not, double check.


  1. Have all budget amendments been documented and reviewed? If not, add amendments into the budget and review accordingly.


  1. Has the budget been independently reviewed eg by another project team member or by a member of the finance department?
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url 2016-06-16 06:20
Why Change Your Present System? By Axia Consultants RFI RFP Accounting Software


30 widely used reasons for changing systems are listed below

Most organisations changing their software systems will find many reasons to justify their actions. Some, however, will only have a few reasons, which are so critical, that their system needs replacing simply because of these.


Generally, the more reasons that apply, the more likely you need to change your system. How many apply to you and your organisation?


Software system functionality reasons

  1. Web enablement
  2. Additional functionality available within the new software
  3. Workflow and automation
  4. Present systems comprise separate stand alone systems with limited integration between each other
  5. Integration with other systems


Management information reasons

  1. Improving the quality and quantity of management information
  2. Improving accuracy of information
  3. Improving access to and speed of access to management information
  4. Improving the flexibility of and speed to produce management information


 System operations reasons

  1. Improving system processes
  2. Reducing manual effort and duplication of data handling
  3. Improving system flexibility to handle continual business change
  4. Improving system performance, speed and time to process data
  5. Improving data input / collection capability eg automated feeds, bulk data entry
  6. Improving transfer of information between systems
  7. Improving system reliability
  8. Present system is ageing, has not been upgraded and is now becoming difficult to maintain
  9. Easier system development in the future
  10. Supporting an increased number of system users
  11. Improving data storage


Vendor reasons

  1. Providing unsatisfactory / poor support
  2. Withdrawing support
  3. No longer supplying a specific range of products
  4. No longer developing products that you use


Organisational reasons

  1. Changing provision of services eg outsourcing, creating shared service centres
  2. Changes of hardware
  3. Rationalisation of systems and vendors
  4. Reorganisation eg due to take over, merger, decentralisation, restructure or disposal of business units
  5. Reducing costs (total cost of ownership)
  6. Other actions leading to a sudden and permanent large change in numbers of suppliers, customers, employees and consequent reduction of systems requirements
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