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Search tags: indian-mobile-app-development-companies
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text 2020-02-17 08:44
Crypto Infotech Announces launch of its an Uber-like App: Make Your Travelling Super Comfy

Crypto Infotech, one of the pioneer mobile app development companies in India have recently announced its feature-packed and user-friendly app for rideshare like an Uber.

12-February-2020- Mohali, Punjab - Crypto Infotech, mobile app development company in India hailed for developing robust apps for diverse industries announced the release of a new feature-rich taxi app more like an uber for a renowned transport company in India.

The feature-rich taxi app developed by the expert programmers aims to deliver robust and feature-packed apps that provide phenomenal experience to passengers, drivers, admin, and controllers. No wonder, the company specializes in building customizable apps for Android or iOS that helps startups and enterprises to expand and boost their business far across the world.


The expert programmers have integrated top features in the app including, location tracking, ride coupons, car preference, alert button, transparency, and integrated driver management tools to help navigation.


By innovating the world of transportation, we engineered a new way of working suited to the modern business world. This mobile application is available on Android or iOS.


Source: www.crypto-infotech.com/top-mobile-app-development-companies-in-india
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