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text 2019-07-23 08:40
The Different Types Of Interpretation Services

The advancement of technologies has brought the global communities closer. Today, multinational companies are have expanded worldwide with presence in multiple countries. This expansion is impossible without the help of professional translators. Today the global translation business is a $40 billion-dollar business. And according to forecasts the number is expected to rise only. The multilingual interpreting services play a great role in the healthcare sector, legal proceedings and multinational businesses. The interpretation agency you partner with signifies your image in the target market. In this article we are going to discuss how the interpreters work and the different formats of interpreting –



Consecutive interpreting

In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter steps in after the speaker has made his/her points. The responsibility of the interpreter is to emphasize on the points made by the speaker. In this regard the interpreter may carry a notebook to note down the points in order to maintain accuracy.


Simultaneous interpreting

Simultaneous interpreting is a continuous process. Here, the interpreter interprets the speaker as he/she speaks. This multilingual interpreting services are mostly used in business meeting and international organizations like UNO. The foreign delegations listen to the interpreter through the wired in headphones as the speaker makes his points.


Sigh translation

This type of interpretation involves the interpreter translating a written document instantly without any preparation. It is mostly used during legal proceedings, hospitals and community care settings.


So, the professional interpretation services have changed the way global business is conducted. Apart from business, interpreter services are also used in the healthcare and social services. Interpretation can be classified into several forms – consecutive, simultaneous and sight interpretation services. If you own any business organization, decide on the language you need interpretation services. This should be based on your target market. Always make sure that the interpreter has a detailed understanding of the local surrounding an culture. 

Source: www.everenceinternations.com
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review 2019-04-14 12:17
A must read. Unmissable.
Nuremberg's Voice of Doom: The Autobiography of the Chief Interpreter at History's Greatest Trials - Wolfe Frank,Paul Hooley

My thanks to Rosie Croft and to Pen & Sword for sending me a hardback copy of this book, which I freely chose to review and I can’t recommend enough.

Often, when we read books on important historical subjects we feel we have learned something that others should also know about, something that should not be forgotten by the new generations, to avoid mistakes being repeated or to give credit to people who played an important role in ensuring a better future for all. This book combines both of these aspects, and much more.

Having read about the Nuremberg Trials, watched movies, and seen them mentioned often in other settings, I was curious when I saw this book. I’d never paid much heed to the role of the interpreters at the trials, but now that I’ve been doing translations for a while (and I know it’s a very different type of work), I’ve become much more aware of how important accuracy is, and in that case, with all the legal requirements and speed also playing a part, even more so. The fact that Wolfe Frank was the main and star interpreter (not that he ever says so himself, but it is an easy conclusion from the accolades and endorsements he received) at the trials would have made it an interesting book already, but his adventures and the man are fascinating in their own right.

The story of why the book had never come to light before (that links to his final years and his sad circumstances) sounds like the stuff of fiction: the memoirs of a very important and fascinating man locked up in an attic, with nobody fully aware of what was there, for twenty-five years. And then, what a life! If this was a work of fiction many readers would think that the author had gone too far stretching the suspension of disbelief. It feels as if Frank had lived several lives in one, and they all make for a very compelling read.

Paul Hooley does a great job of interfering little with the original materials, while providing sufficient information and background to ensure that the memoirs read smoothly, and we don’t need to keep searching for explanations of terminology or for details about people and places mentioned. His vast amount of research is evident but non-intrusive, and he also includes pictures to do with Frank’s life and with the trials. They all add to the reading experience, and I found particularly enlightening the drawings indicating how the courtroom worked, the places all the key players occupied, and the annotated pictures, originally from other books. Mostly, Hooley allows Frank’s words to speak for themselves, and he comes across as an intelligent, funny, witty, sharp, and matter-of-fact man, who was charming, could turn his hand at anything and do it well, knew how to get his own way often, for whom Justice (with capital letters) was truly important, but who had no great respect for rules, regulations or authority for their own sake, and could not abide fools or bullies gladly. He loved adventures and living in the fast-lane, but not when it came to putting other people’s lives at risk. He lived through some terrible events and put up with things that many of us can’t even imagine, but he maintained his dignity and is a perfect example of grace under pressure.

I cannot summarise the whole book and his life in a review, and in fact there is another book about his later adventures in Germany, which I have already secured a copy of, but if you love spy books, and are a fun of James Bond (I am not, by the way), you will want to read this book. He was not a spy, at least in the sense we have become familiar with through books and movies, but he did many of the things we would expect a spy to do, and many more. The part of the book about the trial is fascinating in its own right. The setting up of simultaneous translation, which had not been successfully used or established before, is a must for anybody interested in how international courts and organisations work at a practical level. Even though Frank makes light of many things, it is clear that he was serious about this, and he took the experience to heart (just imagine having to listen to hours and hours of descriptions of the crimes committed, while trying to do a job, and you will get an idea of how harrowing that must have been). He talks about Otto Ohlendorf, Chief of the Special Action Group in the East —this was part of the Subsequent Proceedings where he was the Chief Interpreter— and explains why he was one of the most chilling individuals he had to listen to, his pride when explaining his method of setting up the mobile gas chambers and perfecting them to make sure his staff were not affected mentally by the killings. He evidently thought he had done a great job and remained proud of it. Here is one of the few times when Frank explains how affected he was by it all:

There were days, such as that, when after my day in court I could not eat and I had to drown myself in alcohol before I could sleep; days when my reactions to anything or anyone German were not normal.

There were inevitable emotional reactions. What has remained is the realisation that a lifetime is too short for such horrors to be filed away in the annals of history as something destined to be forgotten. Forgiven, perhaps —forgotten— never. I flinch at the sickening sentimentality that demands the release of a Rudolf Hess, the application of the statutes of limitation. (Frank, 2018, p. 166)

I couldn’t agree more, and indeed it is a shame when one reads what happened to him at the end (when he couldn’t stay in his accommodation and due to his ill health he could not keep working) that he was not honoured and remembered as he deserved. At least one can hope that this book will make people become aware of him and his role, even if it is a case of ‘too little, too late’.

He was popular with women and his cavalier attitude can be problematic to read nowadays, but he recognised his own responsibility in the matter, and he does not appear dismissive or prejudiced when talking about women in a professional capacity. He could be a rogue (if we were to use a typical romantic novel definition of the word), but it seems fair to assume that he was a charming one. As Hooley very aptly summarises:

In short Wolfe Frank seems to have been a mixture of Casanova, with whom he had much in common, Cary Grant, the Scarlet Pimpernel, James Bond and Oliver Reed; and he had that rare ability to be a man’s man —a worldly-wise, educated gentleman who possesses class and admits his faults— as well as being a ladies’ man.  (Frank, 2018, p. 178)

This is an important book, a page-turner, a book that moves at fast pace, full of adventure, historical detail, and with a protagonist that even the most skilled fiction writers would struggle to improve on. Read it and recommend it. I’m sure you will.

And as a closing, I had to leave you with a lighter passage, and one that I, who lived in the UK for many years but could never fully understand the attraction cricket held for many, had to smile at. Here he had just arrived in the UK after one of his lucky escapes, was starving and hoping his friend would take him for a meal on arrival, but he was dragged instead to watch a cricket match. He’d never experienced one before.

At the match I found myself sitting next to a teacher who wanted to practice his German. For some time, I gazed at a group of men who, at first, seemed to be in doubt about what to do with themselves. They finally started to throw a ball about half-heartedly and now and then one of them seemed to arouse himself from his lethargy, to take an awkward swing at the ball with a large, clumsy lump of timber. Finally, I felt that I required an explanation. I turned to my neighbour and asked him when they would start to play? ‘Heavens’ he said with an expression of complete horror on his face, ‘what do you mean? They’ve been playing for over an hour… and this is a frightfully exciting match!’ (Frank, 2018, p. 42)

Frank, W. (2018). Nuremberg’s voice of doom. The autobiography of the chief interpreter at history’s greatest trials. Barnsley, UK: Frontline Books (Pen & Sword).

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text 2015-08-19 21:44
A Window Into Italian Society
Interpreting Italians - Jeffrey Bailey

Offering an alternative view of Italian society from the usual gastronomic travelogue, Interpreting Italians consists of a series of essays on historical, political and cultural topics that have had a significant influence of the development of Italian mores and behaviour.


Discussions include: the admiration for furbizia, or shrewdness - something that goes some way to explain the enthusiastic support enjoyed by Silvio Berlusconi; attitudes towards the official Italian language and the various other competing languages and dialects spoken by Italian nationals; the importance of bella figura - which could be translated as  beautiful appearance, except that this goes nowhere near explaining its true significance; and the symbiotic relationship Italians enjoy with tourism.


Obviously, a book like this could easily descend into meaningless generalisations but the author is always aware of that danger. He is not seeking to describe a fictional Italian temperament, merely to point to influences on  the society and to try to consider their possible impact. My favourite example of this was his suggested explanation for the many different varieties of pasta:


"That pasta achieved widespread popularity in Italy during the Baroque period is more than coincidental; the vast array of pasta shapes and sizes is itself a consummately Baroque expression. Each form of pasta has its own accompanying sauce which can be mixed with other forms in any desired manner to augment not only taste but also presentation – in other words, to enhance the aesthetic appearance of food."


At the end of the book there is a series of appendices packed with suggestions for further reading and additional information about Italian history, geography and cuisine. Altogether, this is one of the most useful books about Italy I have come across.

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review 2012-07-23 00:00
Interpreting the Psalms: An Exegetical Handbook - Mark D. Futato If I could I would give this one 3 1/2 stars. There were lots of interesting insights into the Psalms in this handbook, which was written by one of the translators for the NLT. As such, he often presented his case for why the NLT was correct in its translation of a particular passage. At many points I would have preferred for Futato to focus on the HOW TO instead of the WHAT THIS MEANS. "For crying out loud, man, you're teaching me to interpret for myself here!!! So lets get down to brass tacks and learn how to do exegetical work." Many people will not have a problem with this, but I felt that by the time Futato was finished telling me the themes of the psalms and what several of the psalms meant there was little work for me to do. After taking four seminary classes on inductive Bible study, I have high expectations.
On the other hand, I enjoyed most of his insights. Sometimes it got a little dry, but that's the nature of handbooks on exegesis I guess. I've never noticed one hitting the New York Times bestseller's list or winning any awards for engaging writing. Still, he keeps things straightforward and geared towards novice academics...or pastors with some background in Hebrew.
One of my favorite parts of the book is the last section, where he guides students through how to put all the steps together in order to prepare for a sermon and how to go from exegesis to expositional preaching. Very helpful in this regard. I had never understood the difference between expositional and exegetical preaching.
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review 2010-08-01 00:00
Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives - Sidonie Smith,Julia Watson I wrote my master's thesis on how gender is represented in contemporary memoirs written by women. I could not have written it without this book - comprehensive, readable, and full of detailed examples. Not for the layman by any means, but if literary theory as it applies to self-writing is of interest to you, this is an excellent place to start!
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