Being a businessman is always a tough challenge and requires enthusiasm, passion, and hard work. Many ambitious beginners often read books about running a business and how to build a reputation in the market. But, knowing the story of other successful business owners always fills a person with positive energy. A world-wide entrepreneur and businessman, Issam Hourani's success story is truly inspiring. He is from Lebanon and belongs to a well-known family in Beirut. Issam is the eldest amid his siblings: Hussam, Devincci, and Hiam. His younger brother Hussam moved to Kazakhstan for his Master's degree in Petroleum Engineering in the 1990s. He made his first step towards a business empire when he visited Kazakhstan with his brother Devincci. During his visit, he got the idea to make an investment in the country which proved to be a turning point in his life.
At that time, Kazakhstan's economy was increasing rapidly which helped Hourani to build a business empire from aviation, pharmaceutical, mass media, poultry farming, and oil. Mr. Hourani was married to Gulshat Aliyeva in 1996 and has one daughter, Ayaa. You must be wondering and thinking it is just a story of a lucky person, but a lot of things happened in his life that you should know. Unfortunately, he became a victim of a worldwide fabricated Internet campaign. The campaign accused him of the death of Anastasiya Novikova, and also for forged documents, torture, affiliation to political and radical groups, money laundering, rape, and kidnapping. It took him 10 days to destroy all the false allegations in court. His counsel, Heather Rogers QC, has shown that he doesn't have any relation in the death of Anastasiya Novikova. Issam Hourani also succeeded in proving that other allegations are also false.
Moreover, the judge revealed that the campaign was organized and managed by dancers and actors by John Michael Waller in exchange for money. They have done this upon the instructions of one or more client (s). The company Psybersolutions was controlled by Waller to make the campaign successful. Although all the allegations against Issam Hourani were destroyed, the court did not reveal the client's name. These allegations affected his life, but he didn't give up and stood against people who tried to destroy his reputation.
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