A targeted B2B database like Information Technology- ITes Email List built on the SIC codes substantiates your email marketing campaigns conspicuously.
A targeted B2B database like Information Technology- ITes Email List built on the SIC codes substantiates your email marketing campaigns conspicuously.
DataCaptive –Your ultimate portal for information technology email list
Today, there are multiple vendors from whom marketers can attain information technology email list. I have tried & used many but having the experience of purchasing Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) from DataCaptive made me assure that their services are pretty good.
Features of information technology mailing list of DataCaptive
Original & reliable data sources
100% verified data Guaranteed deliverability
Added benefits with DataCaptive – They deliver well segmented, highly responsive B2B industry email lists on time which saved me from the trouble of continuous following up that I have felt with other organizations. They make sure that the mailing lists forwarded contains intact data sets which are derived from authentic & reliable data sources.
You can reach them :- www.datacaptive.com
Call to :- 1-800-523-1387
Mail to :- connect@datacaptive.com