I’ve been reading everyone else’s responses to these questions and I must say it is fun to get to know everyone a little bit better. So, jumping on the bandwagon … here’s mine.
How do you find out about new books to read?
I receive email updates from EVERYWHERE … all the major publishers, Goodreads new releases by authors I’ve read before, the library … EVERYWHERE. I go through them and make lists, then delve a little deeper into the descriptions. Then I check out my local library website to see what I can get from there. My “requests” page rarely has less than ten books on it. The rest go onto my “wishlist” for possible purchase. Since I’ve joined BookLikes my TBR has grown substantially … so thanks to all or you for that!
How did you get in to reading?
My mom was an avid reader. She read primarily German books called “Romans”, which I guess would be the German equivalent to a Harlequin. My mom was also extremely cheap thrifty so to replenish her stock of books we made bi-monthly trips (after going to the Saturday morning market) to the only (at that time) used/exchange bookstore in town. We lived in a predominantly German-speaking town so finding her books was not difficult. I was allowed to browse and pick a book of my own to take home. Eventually, I had enough books and my mom encouraged me to begin exchanging (2 for 1) for the new books I wanted. That was hard for me to do. Once I got old enough and a little more self-mobile it was the library and the bookmobile. I really cannot remember a time I did not have a book close by.
How have your tastes in books changed as you got older?
The genres haven’t changed all that much as I still very much enjoy mysteries and horror, I’ve just added some other genres to the list. Each time I was pregnant with one of my girls I found I could not read horror books *shoulder shrug* so I read historical romance and chick lit, although it wasn’t called chick lit then. Like the iced tea I craved during those pregnancies and rarely touch now, the historical romance and chick lit are few and far between these days. I’ve also started reading more non-fiction if the subject matter appeals.
How often do you buy books?
I used to buy all my books but now it’s probably a 60/40 split between the library and the bookstore. I find it difficult to get rid of books and shelving space is always an issue, so I limit myself to buying books by the authors that I love and collect, the rest I borrow. Of course, since acquiring an e-reader, the shelving problem has sort of been negated and I find I am purchasing more e-books. I still love treasure hunting through used book stores and sales, probably because of my mom.
How did you get in to reviewing books?
Hmmm … do you want the “pretty” answer or the “ugly reality” answer? … both are true in their own right! The pretty answer – I have always tracked my reading. A book journal for the following year was always nestled in amongst my Christmas presents. When I discovered GR it was like a dream come true, I could do it electronically. Then I started noticing the disclaimers on some of the reviews. You know the ones “I received this book at no charge …” and that leads me to my “ugly reality” reason. Where were these people getting books for free and why wasn’t I? When I checked into it I found you usually had to have a blog – no problem – I was already keeping a blog going for a small group I belong to (long story, won’t bore you) and I was already writing reviews on GR, so I started a book blog and availed myself of those freebies out there. Did I mention my mom was cheap frugal … I guess I inherited some of those frugal genes. :-)
How do you react when you don’t like the end of a book?
I throw the book across the room and have a toddler temper tantrum on the floor! NO – not really – well, only in my head.
How often do you take a sneak peek at the ending to see if there is a happy ending?
Honestly, not too often. If it’s a series and I think one of my favorite characters is going to get written out I will quickly scan the last few pages to see if their name pops out at me, but I seldom actually read a page at the end of a book until I get there.
Do you use bookmarks in your books?
Like so many others have said, I also have a rather large collection of bookmarks (the perk/curse of an avid reader) but I tend to use anything that is handy … clean tissue, an envelope, a receipt … you name it and it’s probably been tucked into a book at some time. Being a faithful library user I have come across some unusual things that others have used as bookmarks. Nothing gross yet, thank goodness, but take heart all – we are not alone in our unusual choices of page keepers.
As everyone before me has said, I tag anyone else who would like to participate in this little question and answer exercise. Please do! I love reading the responses.