Freda's Voice
— feeling booklikes

I've had this on my list for so long it was looking a little silly. Then Amazon had it for Prime members and I felt lucky to be finally able to read it and take it off my list.
I didn't really know what to expect. I knew it was an adventurous story, but that was the extent of it really. It definitely lived up to the adventure part too! With Gods and battles and quests.... the whole bit.
This was my introduction to Indian folklore. I knew of some of the Gods, such as Shiva, but that was pretty much it. I had no idea the rich lore and history India has. So that was pretty interesting to me. Some of the terms or names were hard to enunciate but I got through it.
It was a good middle grade story. It didn't blow my socks off though. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but it was probably because I felt so green with the ideology behind it. So this became an intro into the mythology and not so much intensity and excitement. Maybe the second book will do that for me now that I know more about the culture.