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review 2019-12-04 19:45
Hello, Cookie Dough by Kristen Tomlan
Hello, Cookie Dough: 110 Doughlicious Confections to Eat, Bake, and Share - Kristen Tomlan

I've never felt so seen and attacked before by a cookbook. :)



There was a great forward and introduction to how the author and cook came up with these safe and pretty easy recipes that can either be eaten in dough form or baked into cookies. 


I love cookie dough, so when I saw this had 110 recipes, I was over the moon. The recipes call for heat treated flour, which you can do yourself or buy (I bought); this helps make it safer to eat in dough form. 




Doggy Dough -  This had applesauce, peanut butter, honey, banana, and pumpkin in it. My doggy is a big boy, so I divided it into about a cup for each serving and got 5. I froze them and gave them to him as little treats. No surprise, he loved them :) These was easy to make and no hard to find ingredients. 


Cinnamon Roll Outta Bed -  Along with the dough recipe, there is a Bedhead Cinnamon Bark recipe and I highly recommend making that to go along with the dough. This was easy to make, you will need heat treated flour and pasteurized eggs (you only use the whites) but every thing else is common pantry baking ingredients. I was impressed with how much this did taste like a cinnamon roll! This never made it to cookie form as I ate the dough with bits of the bark broken off into it with delight.


Other recipes I tried:


Signature Chocolate Chip - A good old standby. I ate half in dough form and baked the rest. Ooey gooey goodness that was easy and simple to make.


Coffee Toffee - I made this for my bf and he loved it. There is a dough recipe accompanying the toffee but I skipped that and just made the toffee. Instant espresso powder and molasses are two of the ingredients that go into this and the dark, rich flavor was fantastic. You will need a candy thermometer to keep things from burning. 


A Hot Cocoa Holiday - A fun seasonal treat! There are two dough recipes, a hot cocoa and peppermint, I halved the recipes and made both. With the peppermint I made Pretend You're Put Together Peppermint Bark. These looked gorgeous when served to some guests and was so tasty.


Classic Red Velvet - I went ahead and baked these, maybe took a couple nibbles of the dough, and made the cream cheese buttercream frosting. Decadent and bakery quality. 


If you love cookie dough, this cookbook is a must. The heat treated flour and pasteurized egg whites make things safer while not taking away from taste. The instructions are straight forward and the vast majority of ingredients are common and easy to obtain; the heat treated flour is the only one I can see more of a challenge to get. This would make a fantastic fun gift for the holidays. 


I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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