If you have a choice between listening to the audio version of this or reading the text version? Go for the text. This is definitely an instance where the author should not have read his own work. Think equal parts William Shatner, B-movie hypnotist, and narrator of a 1950s filmstrip designed to be watched by eighth graders when they have a substitute for science class. I was tempted to quit this book as soon as it started because of the narration--but the topic inspired me to stick with it. I did check my library's catalog for a text version. No ebook, and the one print copy they have was due back in April. So apparently, the patron who checked out this book on overcoming procrastination had been procrastinating on returning it for almost four months.
I think the techniques Fiore describes for transforming from a procrastinator to a "producer" are solid. Since I've only just completed the book, I haven't been able to implement them extensively, but I've already begun to apply some approaches, such as doing 30-minute chunks of focused work. I really wish I had this book before I undertook my doctoral dissertation. I would have used his "unschedule" to build in recreational and restorative activities and realistic blocks of work time, instead of living under the thrall of "I should be working on my dissertation" at all times.
Although there are useful approaches to be gleaned from the book, at times I felt the author was being overly repetitious. And as an example of the disadvantage of listening to this in audio format, there was a section where he went through a few different guided relaxations, one right after another. They were all very similar (read REPETITION) to one another--and one feature a SOLID TWO MINUTES OF SILENCE. I even checked my player to make sure the battery hadn't died. At the conclusion of the two minutes, he came back with, "Did that feel like two minutes?" Nope, it felt like an eternity. I really think for the purposes of the audiobook, that part should have been moved to the end as an appendix.