Having your loft transformed into a brand-new premise is the easiest way for you to expand your home and get some extra comfort. Even though the conversion process is relatively simple, mistakes are likely to happen, so you should approach the task reasonably. Here are a few typical mistakes people make when they decide on a loft conversion. Make sure that you get informed and avoid any of these mistakes so that your project could be a true success:
- Don’t assume each loft can be converted – there are some basic requirements you need to meet so that the new room can be legal. Many people often realise that their lofts can’t be remade when it’s too late and the project has already started. Did you know that you should check if your loft has a head height of at least 2.3 meters? That’s an essential requirement your loft should inevitably meet. In some cases you have the chance to raise the height, but under no circumstances should you get involved with a task you can’t complete.
- Don’t skip on the planning permission – indeed, usually, loft conversion projects don’t need to be approved by the local council to be legal. Yet depending on the type of home you own, planning permission might be necessary, otherwise, you shouldn’t go on with the conversion. It is a common mistake for homeowners, to begin with, the project before they consult with the authorities whether their place is convertible. That’s why this is a step you should never skip. Ask your local council if you are obligated to apply for permission or your rights to convert the loft have already been granted. This way you would ensure that the improvement your property is about to go through is within the law.
- Don’t make it a DIY project – are you an expert builder? Do you have any experience in renovating an entire premise from scratch? If not, you should better hire a professional contractor to tackle your loft conversion. Even though loft conversions are claimed to be relatively simple tasks, there are many details only experts are familiar with. It is great that you have faith in your skills, but don’t make the mistake to go for a DIY project, unless you are qualified for the job. Possible issues you may face during the conversion would cost you lots of time, money and stress. So once you make sure your loft space is suitable for conversion, search for a professional company to complete the project.
- Don’t rush into hiring a contractor – no doubt you want your loft to be transformed into a brand-new room as quickly as possible, but take your time to find the best contractor for the purpose. People who have no experience in remodelling their homes often fall victim to making snap decisions. Finding a reliable loft conversion contractor usually takes a while, but it is worth the effort. Read online reviews, ask friends and family or demand to see completed projects – one way or another, you should get the necessary recommendations for the company you intend to hire before you sign a contract.
- Don’t overlook the interior – when it comes to a loft conversion, the interior of the future premise is just as crucial as all legal aspects and the need to rely on a proven contractor. If you fail to plan the goal of the room, as well as its furniture and accessories, chances are you end up with a disappointing project. Since interior design is not something that comes naturally to everyone, perhaps hiring an expert to deal with the job is worth considering.
Any of these five loft conversion mistakes is capable of ruining your project. Now that you are prepared for steps that may go wrong, you have a greater chance to tackle the task smoothly.